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Wednesday, December 29, 2004

WILDER Bible 1840s, probably New England



ADDISON 1849- OREN 1853 - SARAH 1856 - LUCY 1859-WILLIAM 1861 - FREDERIC 1865 - CHARLIE 1867 - ALBERT 1869


SHAW Bible 1831-1951

The date in the book is 1887.

Jay L Shaw, August 28,1831
Cynthia Shaw, August 1, 1833
Edwin G Shaw April 25, 1854
Milford Shaw, January 16, 1855
Emma L Shaw, April 11, 1859
Ida A Shaw, April 22, 1861

Milford Shaw, Mach 16 1881
Jay L Shaw, March 1 1904
Cynthis Shaw, March 27 1904
Elwina A Shaw Ryel, July 31 1917
Emma Shaw Grinolds, March 22 1929
Ida L Shaw Mclean, November 1951

In the front pages it reads Mrs. Cynthia Shaw. The surnames are Shaw, Grinolds, Ryel or Byel (hard to read) and McLean.

NOTE: I found the Shaw family in Walnut Lake, Faribault, Minnesota in the 1870 census.

They were recorded as:
C. Shaw born 1832 New York
E. C. Shaw born abt 1852 Wisconsin
Emma Shaw born about 1859 Wisconsin
Ida Shaw born abt 1861 Wisconsin
J. Shaw born abt 1835 New York
Mil Shaw born abt 1856 Wisconsin

See for more help with census

SMITH Bible 1874

C.W. Smith.........Stouchsburg...Jan 8th 1874


C. W. SMITH and wife Mary A. H. SMITH

daughter born JAN 8TH 1877. Laura Katie SMITH

John Elsworth SMITH born MAY 26TH 1880

Note: I found the family in the 1880 census for Sinking Spring, Berks, Pennsylvania

They are:
Charles Smith, tinsmith, age 28 born Pennsylvania
Mary A. Smith, 28 born Pennsylvania
Laura Smith 3 born Pennsylvania
John E. Smith 1 month, born Pennsylvania

See to find this family on other census records

HALLADAY Bible 1840s


Emory Halliday Oct. 2 1816
Melissa P. Halliday Apr. 12 [?]
Clariey? Halliday Apr 6, 1845
George Halliday Nov 17, 1847
Milo F. Halliday 1849
Edward Halliday Nov. 1855

NOTE: I found this family recorded as HOLLIDAY in Sycamore, Dekalb, Illinois 1860 census.

Emory Holliday, 44 born Vermont
Jane Holliday, 36 born New York
George Holliday, 12, born New York
Milo Holliday, 10 born New York
Edward Holliday, 4 born Illinois

See for more census records

1850 Bible McCune Brady Duncan Families

Family bible printed 1850. This copy has embossed leather boards with the front cover separated along with several early pages.

Family information starts with the marriage of Samuel McClure and Hannah Brady on December 26, 1793 with the bible apparently purchased and family history started by a son William McClure and his wife Mary Ann Hays.

There are several loose sheets including a list of the Duncan portion of the family births ranging from 1801 to 1822 plus other information including Snyder, Samuel, Zuendel, Bowes and Bowers. The bible containing the old and new testaments was published in New York by the American Bible Society and printed in 1850. 

Update Feb. 2016:
The name is McCune and not McClure.  This is my family and I LOVE the Bible photos.

Thank you so much.
Donna Cuillard


Stereotyped by B. and J. Collins, New York, Published by Richardson and Lord, J.H.A. Frost, Printer, Congress-Street of Boston in 1824. This bible was bought March the 18th 1825, and this is written in the back cover by the Original owner

Original owner has inked in the name and date of birth of the couple who owned this bible the date they married and the name and date of birth of their 6 children. The couple was married April 27 of 1824, and the children were born in 1825, 1826, 1831, 1835, 1837. The Husbands name was Zalmuna Chapin Jr. and the wifes name was Climena. E. Scott

NOTE: I found this family in the 1870 census for Leyden, Franklin, Massachusetts. They were recorded as

Zalmon CHAPIN, 62 born Massachusetts
Climmie CHAPIN, 59 born Massachusetts
David CHAPIN,33
John CHAPIN,31
Philma CHAPIN, 29
Marietta CHAPIN, 25

See for more census records on the CHAPIN family

1848 Bible Pennsylvania MAUGER BAKER Families

Old Bible printed in 1848 by Jesper Harding of Philadelphia, PA. The Bible contains four hand-written pages of genealogy for the MAUGER FAMILY. I believe this is the same Mauger family that is prominent in The Malvern, Paoli, PA area. Other names mentioned include: Reuben Mauger, Isaac Mauger, John Mauger, Henry Mauger, Samuel Mauger, Jacob Mauger, etc

Jacob N. Mauger and Rebecca Baker were married 30 April 1837

1848 Bible Hyndman & Walker Families

Old Bible printed in 1848 by Edward W. Miller of Philadelphia, PA.

Most entries are for the HYNDMAN and WALKER families. The first entry reads: "William & Mary Hyndman Married on the 27th of October 1842".

Vermont BIBLE with Hyde family genealogy 1812

Owner label on front pastedown endpaper:

June 1st 1813
Information on FAMILY RECORD pages:

Silas & Philura Hyde
Married July 9, 1810

Silus Hyde born July 3rd. A.D. 1788
Philura Hyde born Dec/ 15th, A.D. 1787
Christopher Columbus Hyde born Dec. 18th, 1811
Delia Hyde born March 6th 1813
Marquis De Salvo Hyde born Dec. 28th, 1815
Emmett Winchester Hyde born July 12th, 1817
Ovid Allen Hyde born May 10th, 1819

Delia Hyde died March 17th, 1813
Silas Hyde died April 18th, 1851
Marquis De Salvo Hyde died August 24th, 1861
Christopher Columbus Hyde died 30 October 1863
Philura Hyde died October 11th, 1870
Emmett Winchester Hyde died October 28th, 1890
Ovid Allen Hyde Sept. 1913

Manuscript on first rear flyleaf:

Genealogy of the Hyde family on Mother's side

Jonathan Hyde came from England about 1639
Jonathan Hyde Jr. was born Feb 1st 1655
James Hyde son of Jonathan Jr. born in Newton Mass, April 20th 1688
Jabez Hyde son of James Hyde born May 22d 1716
Jabez Hyde Jr. (our Grandfather) on Mothers side) was born in 1750
He was married to Elzabeth Glazier Jan 25th 1770
our Grandmother died in Nov 1829
" Grandfather " " March 1832
They had eight children that lived to adult age
Eunice born July 26 1770
James " Jan 25 1773
Samuel April 16th 1775
Persis Oct 12th 1777
Paul Jan 13th 1780
Polly Sept 3d 1782
Henry May 15 1785
Philura Dec 15th 1787
Jabez Jr. Feb 10th 1792

Tuesday, November 30, 2004

FAMILY BIBLE: Brooks - Gray, New York & Massachusetts

A beautiful Old Bible printed in 1850 by the American Bible Society of New York, NY.

It contains three pages of genealogy for the BROOKS family.

There is also an Inscription inside the front cover to WILLIAM GRAY BROOKS from his Mother.

There is also a newspaper clipping about the famous clergyman the Rev. Phillips Brooks--whether he was related to this BROOKS family, I do not know.




Be sure to visit

Friday, November 26, 2004

BIBLE: Thompson & Brown 1826

Vintage Bible 1826 Old and New Testaments-- Boston Pub. by Richardson and Lord J,H.A. Frost Printer Congress-Street .

Family Bible of Mary Thompson, given by her father Deacon Oaks Thompson.

James Monroe Brown born Aug 6 1798-
Mary Thompson born March 23 1800.

List of Browns children until 1890s and Wheelocks 1890s.

Note: I found the family on Ancestry One World Tree.

Mary Thompson Born: 23 Mar 1800 Hartford, Maine, married James Brown. Mary was the daughter of Oaks Deacon Thompson (born 31 Jul 1771 in Middleborough, Plymouth, Massachusetts) and Hannah Bisbee

FAMILY BIBLE: Smith - Stringer, Pennsylvania

Old Family Bible printed in 1859 by Perry's Bible Maufactory of Philadelphia, PA.

The names of MILTON & MATILDA SMITH are engraved on the cover. There are four pages with genealogy for the SMITH family. Milton Smith married Matilda Springer, that is the start of the family line




Thursday, November 25, 2004

FAMILY BIBLE: Plum 1808, Ohio

Jonathan Plum Family Tree from Bible 1808-1855

This is an old family register from a large format bible.

The entries start with the births of Jonathan Plum who was born on February 8th 1808 and Sally Ann Plum who was born on September 20th 1816.

In the book that these were located was the following papers as well a Western Union from July 29 1880 about Mother dying signed M Putnam, a list of names and dates for Joe and Donald Eugene Smith, and a funeral Notice for a Capt.A.B. Putnam on June 4th 1875 near Helena Ohio.


Wednesday, November 24, 2004

FAMILY BIBLE: Hoffman 1712

Very Old German-language Bible printed in 1736. There is a page of genealogy inside the front cover of the Bible with the last name HOFFMAN and the place of Oggerheim, Germany mentioned several times, along with Germantown, Pennsylvania (please see the pictures of this page). The dates of the genealogy go back to 1712.

BIBLE: Bearry - Cook 1842

John Bearry & Mahala Ann Cook were united in the bonds of Holy Matrimony May 14th 1842

Use this
FREE TRIAL on to find this person (or another ancestor) on CENSUS records!

BIBLE: Read - Swisher 1838

Martin F. Read and Selitia Swisher united June 20th 1838

What beautiful calligraphy! See how it changes as the years progress.

Use this
FREE TRIAL on to find this faimly on CENSUS records!

BIBLE: Lewis - Moore 1900 Kentucky

pre 1900 family Bible.

On the Marriage page, it shows Roger Vincen Lewis of Simpsonville, Kentucky (Shelby County) and Eva Henderson Moore of Fern Creek, Kentucky (Jefferson County) married on March 28, 1900.

On the Births Page, the parents and 4 children are listed - Roger V. Lewis August 12, 1874 - Eva H. Moore July 22, 1874 - Lola Katherine Lewis Feb 16, 1901 - George Perrin Lewis Aug 25, 1902 - Nora Francis Lewis Aug 9, 1905 - and Ezra Vincen Lewis June 19, 1911.

BIBLE: Maris - Millis 1826


1818 Family Bible Ephraim Billings of New Bedford

Bible Published in 1818 by M. Carey of Philadelphia.

Front page reads - This Book belongs to Ephraim Billings New Bedford. Bought of Samuel G. Armstong Boston in February 1822.

1797 Family Bible Daniel Whitcombe & Billings Family

Bible Published in 1797 by Mark & Charles Kerr - Edinburgh.

Front page reads - Daniel Whitcombe's Bible bought October the 1st 1800.

Inside page reads Daniel Whitcombe died Dec. 1804, then reads Ephraim Billings and Ester Billings There Bible.

Inside Bible are Billings family records on separate pages starting in 1766 & continuing to 1822. Also a small tin type & a few other pape

BIBLE: Cawley - Koch Family Genealogy 1851

Old Bible printed in 1851 by Joseph Longking and Published by Lane & Scott of New York, NY for The Methodist Episcopal Church. There are several pages of Family Records for the CAWLEY family



BIBLE: Deacon Family New York

Old Bible printed in 1816 by Collins and Company of New York, NY -- it is called a "Collins's Stereotype Edition".

There are family records for the DEACON family. On the Title Page it is mentioned that this Bible belonged to BENJAMIN DEACON.



BIBLE: Brontano - Wilson Pennsyvania, N. Jersey 1851

Family Bible from approximately 1850 and belonging to Adolphus and Priscilla Wilson Brentano.

Adolphus married Prescilla in 1851, and then married Amanda Warren in 1877 at Canton, Pa. This Bible was found near there.

I found no date of publication, but judging from the style and entries in the genealogy section, it would be reasonable to conclude the Bible was from 1840-1870, perhaps given as a wedding gift in 1851.

My figures have Aldophus being 29 when he married Priscilla, then 26. He was from Germany via way of New Jersey in 1849, and she from Pennsylvania.

Births recorded here include Abraham Kenney, Amy Kenney (Priscilla's parents?) , Adolphus, Priscilla, and Amanda. Also the Brentano children, Henry W., Aron and Amanda, then with his second wife, Henry M., Ida, Clarence and Katie. The deaths of four of the children are here, along with Aldophus' in 1906 at age 83.

Submitter: Georgia Brown (not connected to the family so no email given)

Tuesday, November 23, 2004

BIBLE: Rutter & Supernacht, Missouri & Ohio

This is an old 1871 holy bible with family history recorded in it & came with 2 photos. 1 picture has 3 men with a hog hanging, looks to be as if the are going to cut it open, the 2nd picture is of a baby boy in a coffin, name on back of picture looks to be (Jim Hocke).

Along with the 2 pictures there are 2 copies of In Memoriam of Mrs. Minnie S. Rutter

The bible belonged to Byron L. Rutter & Minnie S. Supernaht, they were married april 14th, 1875, in Kansas City, Mo.

They lived in lancaster, ohio, the write up from the paper when Byron Rutter died is also with the bible.

Publishers: Cincinnati: Hitchcock & Walden


Sunday, November 21, 2004

BIBLE: Townsend Family, Ohio 1863

This is a Family Bible titled, "The Holy Bible translated from the Latin Vulgate," John Murphy Co., Publishers, Baltimore, Maryland, Copyright 1914.

The Family Records are filled out in the Bible, and contain both newer records from the 1950's, butolder records from the 1870's where someone has written "Mother's Family" are included as loose pages, and were stuck into the bible.

These Family Records are from the 1870's.

The names on the older records, "Mother's Family" written on top of them, inserted as loose pages into the Bible are:

Mary TOWNSEND, Butler, OH 1863,
Charles TOWNSEND b. Preble Co., OH 1868,
Ida Townsend, Preble Co., 1868,
Eva TOWNSEND Miama Co., OH 1870,
Harry TOWNSEND, IN, 1878,
William TOWNSEND, Darke, OH 1841,
Hester TOWNSEND Cincinnatti, OH 1840,

Iva TOWNSEND 1915,
Charles TOWNSEND 1916,
Mary Townsend SPEECE, 1949,

William TOWNSEND to Hester RHEGINESS 1862.

The Bible is stuffed with newspaper clippings & cards from the Ft. Wayne, IN area, of general interest & some pertaining to this family. It is a great piece of genealogy if this is your family!

FAMILY BIBLE: Susan Sawyer, Vermont

Antique (1885) leather bound King James Bible that contains the original owner's family history. Included in this family genealogy are the Marriage, Birth, and Death sections. Listed dates range from 1833 through 1909. Surnames of family members are Sawyer, Watson, and Blodgett. Family appears to be from Vermont.

Original owner, Susan Jane Sawyer of Peru Vermont, signed and dated the Presentation page with the date of 1886.


Saturday, November 20, 2004

Markham, Boardman & Quackenbush Family Bible

Vintage bible has family records for Markham/Boardman, 1836; Quakenbush/Lansing, 1842; Markham/Quakenbush, 1866; Savage/Markham, 1895; Neville/Markham, 1896; Sirrat/Neville, 1918 marriages as well as births for Markham and Neville.

Augustine H. Markham
Gertrude Boardman
Orsin Quackinbush born -- 1811 New York
Ann Lansing born -- Phelps New York
Anna - Markham born -- 1838 --
Florina/Lovina Quackinbush --
Louis? Markham born -- 1867 Ann Arbor?
-- Emma Markham born 1869 Ann Arbor
-- Markham born 1871 --
-- P. Markham born -- 1874 -- Iowa
Sara L. Markham born 1879
Lewis? A? Markham born Aug. - 1877 Ann Arbor Mich

Augustine H. Markham and Gertrude Boardman married May 14, 1836
-- (Orsin?) Quackinbush and Ann G. Lansing married Dec. 6, 1843

-- D. Markham married Florence G. Quackinbush Oct. -, 18--

Markham Boardman Quackebush Lansing Marriage Records

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records

Campbell Family Bible, Ohio

Campbell Family Bible , Death Entries , Charloe , Ohio 1798 to 1990

Campbell Family Bible

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records

Friday, November 19, 2004

MORGAN HUMASON ROOTS Family Bible, Connecticut

1859 Morgan - Humason Family Bible Connecticut


Wallace E Morgan Married To Jane E. Roots Of New Hartford, Connecticut March 14, 1867.

Ruth Betsy Morgan Married William J Humason At New Britain, Connecticut


Wallace E Morgan Born December 14, 1845
Jane E Roots Born April 20, 1851
Ruth B Morgan Born January 19, 1868 Warren, Connecticut
Georgeanna Morgan Born July 25 18??
Mollie Bell Morgan Born March 20 1871.


Georgeanne Morgan Died July 27, 1870
Mollie Bell Morgan Died December 8, 1884
Eliza Jane Morgan Died Jan 30, 1920 In Thompsonville, Connecticut [Brian's note - this is probably Jane E. Roots, wife of Wallace E. Morgan]

Brian's Research

1880 Census Place Morris, Litchfield, Connecticut

Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace

Stanley ROOTS Self M Male W 62 CT Farmer CT CT
Ruth M. ROOTS Wife M Female W 41 CT Keeping House CT CT
Joseph B. ROOTS Son S Male W 33 CT Works On Farm CT NY
Ruth B. MORGAN GDau S Female W 12 CT CT CT
Chas' O. HILLS Other S Male W 33 CT Works On Farm CT CT

Source Information: Family History Library Film 1254101
NA Film Number T9-0101 Page Number 357A

1880 Census Place Washington, Litchfield, Connecticut

Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace

Warren B. MORGAN Self M Male W 36 CT Farmer CT CT
Jane S. MORGAN Wife M Female W 30 CT Keeping House CT NH
Lillie E. MORGAN Dau S Female W 10 CT At School CT CT
Howard W. MORGAN Son S Male W 1 CT CT CT

Source Information: Family History Library Film 1254101
NA Film Number T9-0101 Page Number 352C

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records

MILLER & WEAVER Family Bible, Pennsylvania

This Bible is dated 1853. The owning family was the Miller & Weaver Family from Lancaster, Pennsylvania.

Some of the names are as follows:

Parents-Cyrus Miller & Hannah Weaver.

Children-Elizabeth, Mary, Henry, Louisa, Benjamin, Franklin & Fianna.

There is a bookmark, newspaper articles, and a copy of a will dated 1756. The will is for a Michael Baughman from Manheim in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records

MAYO Family Bible, Tennessee

Mayo Family Holy Bible from 1829 printed by D. Fanshaw in New York in 1829. It contains names and birth dates of seven different people, all last name Mayo and the earliest is from 1861.

Jabbith [Tabbitha?] Mayo borned [sic] Sept. 10, 1861

John Henry Mayo was born Feb. -- 1874

Mary Elizabeth Mayo was born Jan. 19, 1876

David Andrew Mayo was born March 23, 1878

Cornalia [sic] Mayo was borned June 14, 1894

Brian's Research: 1880 Census Place Belews, Gibson, Tennessee

Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace

William S. MAYO Self M Male W 27 TN Farmer NC NC
Tabitha MAYO Wife M Female W 29 TN Keeping House NC NC
John H. MAYO Son S Male W 6 TN At Home TN TN
Mary C. MAYO Dau S Female W 3 TN At Home TN TN
David A. MAYO Son S Male W 2 TN At Home TN TN
Charles B. MAYO Son S Male W 5M TN At Home TN TN

Source Information: Family History Library Film 1255255
NA Film Number T9-1255
Page Number 460A

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records

LEEKE & PEROGOY Family Bible 1827, Maryland

James Leeke son of Israel & Ann born Dec. 6 1795

Elizabeth Peregoy d/o James & Ruth Peregoy born Oct. 31, 1802

Family Record of Births

Samuel Kennerly Leeke s/o James & Elizabeth born Apr 17, 1825

Charles Peregoy Leeke s/o James & Elizabeth born June 10, 1826

Sarah Ann Leeke d/o James & Elizabeth born Dec 21, 1827

James Adgate Leeke s/o James & Elizabeth born Aug 10, 1829

William Henry Leeke s/o James & Elizabeth born Dec. 12, 1831

Albert John Leeke s/o James & Elizabeth born 21 Nov. 1833

Mary Ellen Leeke d/o James & Elizabeth born Dec 3, 1837

Luther Wilson s/o James & Elizabeth born 21 March 1840

Family Record of Marriages

James Leeke & Elizabeth Peregoy was married May 27th 1824

John Demuth Jr & Ann Leeke was married Feb 8, 1830

Joseph Peregoy & Alethia Leeke was married Mar. 15, 1832

James A. Leeke & Annie M. Webb was married Aug. 18, 1853

William A. Leeke & Margaret J. McCauley was married May 14th 1857

Benjamin E. Childs & Mary E. Leeke was married Dec. 2nd 1858

James A. Leeke & Elizabeth Hirckle was married May 29, 1866

Family Record of Deaths

Samuel Kennerly Leeke departed this life July 1825

Charles Peregoy Leeke departed this life Nov. 5 1826

Sarah Ann Leeke departed this life Nov. 27, 1838

Albert John Leeke s/o James & Elizabeth Leeke departed this life Aug. 2, 1834

Luther Wilson Leeke s/o James & Elizabeth Leeke departed this life Dec. 28, 1845

Elizabeth Leeke, wife of James Leeke died Sept. 1, 1865 age 62 years, 11 months in blissful hope of eternal life beyond the grave

Mother of Elizabeth Leeke, Ruth Peregoy departed this life Dec. 13, 1869 aged 93 years, 10 months and 8 days [scribbled notation unable to read]

James Leeke died June 16, 1885 age 86 years, 6 months and 10 days [2 obits and 1 funeral notice pasted in bible]

James Adgate Leeke, s/o James & Elizabeth Leeke died Wed. Oct. 26, 1904 at 7 o'clock, age 75 years, 2 months, 16 days [obit plus other newspaper clippings pasted in, one is for William M. Leeke]

Personal note: I believe this is Ruth (Gorsuch) Peregoy.

Brian's Research:
Vitals: Marriage Announcements Ordered by Bride (S-Z), Baltimore Co., Maryland
THIRLKEL Elizabeth - LEEKE Ja??ate 29 May 1866 LEEKE-WEAVER On the 06 Jun 1866 Baltimore Sun 29th ultimo by the Rev. J. W. Cullum, JA??ATE LEEKE to ELIZABETH THIRLKEL, daughter of William Weaver of Camden NJ, both of this city [Harrisburg Pa and Washington DC papers please copy]

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records

LANG & SCOTT Family Bible, England, New Hampshire & New York

Family record begins:

William Lang born Billsdale, Yorkshire, England February 2nd 1777. Emigrated 1802.

Catherine Scott, born April 3rd, 1789 at Mohawk village.

Jane Lang born Feb. 17th, 1806,
Henry Lang born April 22, 1808,
Mary Lacy born Aril 22, 1810, Oneida Co., Whitestown, N.H.
John Lang Dec. 9th, 1811,
Hannah Sept. 11, 1813,
William Lang born Aug. 14, 1815,
David Lang, born March 26, 1817,
Alice Lang born Dec. 30, 1819,
Jerome Lang born Aug. 7, 1821,
Charlotte Lang, born 1824.

The other side begins: Major Smith born_______, married Anne Clark, born Berkshire County, Mass. June 14, 1766, ...

Published 1859 Buffalo, New York by Phinney and Co.

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records

JENKINS Family Bible, Virginia & Ohio

Tintype portrait affixed to front pastedown endpaper, of an unidentified young man in a military uniform, Slightly less than 3-¼" x slightly more than 2-¼" wide
Ownership signature on front free fly of William Alonzo Jenkins

Family Records
William S. Jenkins, born Sept. 13, 1811, died Nov. 20th, 1884

Other Jenkins's include
Charles S.
William Alonzo
Anna Garnet
George W.

The following information is taken from the History of Gallia County (Hardesty,1882):

William S. Jenkins was born in Bath County, Virginia, September 13, 1811. He is a son of Daniel D. and Mary (Sively) Jenkins.

His father was born in Virginia in 1774, and came to this county with his family in 1815.

Mr. Jenkins and Cynthia Scott were married in Cheshire township. [Brian's Research: JENKINS, WILLIAM S. & SCOTT CYNTHIA married 04 Dec 1834 in Gallia Co. OH. Source:'s Marriage Records of Ohio 1803-1900] She is a native of this county, born April 1, 1812. Their children are:

Mary, born May 7, 1836, married Alexander D. Fraser, and resides in Nebraska;
George W., August 1, 1837, resides in Cheshiretownship;
Amanda, December 25, 1838, married to Rodney Roush, and resides in Cheshire;
Sarah Anne, November 27, 1840, resides in Cheshire, where she is married to Thomas J. James;
Charles S., May 3, 1842, resides at home;
Benjamin, June 23, 1845, married to Lucy Evans, and resides in Cheshire township;
William Alonzo, September 6, 1849, resides at home.

The parents of Mrs.Jenkins are Charles and Mary (Darst) Scott, who reside in the county. [Brian's Research: SCOTT, CHARLES md DARST, MARY on 10 Aug 1807 Gallia OH] William S. Jenkins was elected justice of the peace in Cheshire township in 1842, and has held the office ever since, his term expiring in 1884, making forty-two years of continuous office service.

Charles S. Jenkins, a son of the subject of this sketch, was a soldier in the late war. He enlisted in 1862 in Company B, 91st Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He was wounded on the 19th of September, 1864, at the battle of Winchester, receiving a shot on the left side of his head. He remained in hospital until March, 1865, when he returned to his regiment and served until the close of the war, when he received his honorable discharge.

The father of Mrs. Jenkins, Charles Scott, served in the war of 1812. Mr. Jenkins has lived in this county since 1815, and has acquired a fine property of 500 acres. He has about fifty acres of coal land near Kygerville, in Cheshire and Morgan townships. His address is Kyger, Gallia County, Ohio.

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records

INGRAM & DYSON Family Bible, North Carolina

Dated 1857 ~ New York: American Bible Society ~ The Holy Bible Containing the New and Old Testaments, translated out of The Original Tongues; and with the Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised

The Family Record pages have Several Names for Family History and Genealogy for the Ingram and the Dyson Family

Thomas Ingram Married Mary E Dyson, August 10th, 1847

He was born in Fayetteville, North Carolina in 1805, Dec 10th

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records

FRANCE & ESTES Family Bible, Missouri & Oregon

This is from a huge old family Bible that belonged to Shepard Forrest France and his wife Sarah Catherine Estes France.

The Bible measure about 11x14 and is very heavy with many nice old engravings and it still has one metal clasp though the second is gone. It was published by James S. Virtue, City Road and Ivy Lane, London, England but no date is given. It apparently dates to the 1860's or 1870's.

There is a family register for the France family with birth, marriages and deaths for various family members. It appears the family originated in Mingo and Shawnee in Bates County, Missouri and moved to Oregon. One of the daughters married an Earl H. Jory and lived in Independence, Polk County, Oregon while a son named Wilbur King France settled in Mikkalo, Gilliam County, Oregon. Eventually it appears that the Jory family died in Salem, Marion County, Oregon.

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records

BAKER Family Bible, Massachusetts

Printed by D. Fanshaw, for the American Bible Society. 1843

The Birth page lists the following Bakers:

Edward Baker, 1771; Delia Baker, 1779; Lovey Baker, 1781; Bethania Baker, 1784; Bathier Baker, 1786; Ruth Baker, 1788; Lemuel Baker, 1792; Polly Baker, 1795; Lucinda and Rose Ann Baker, 1798; Sarah E. Childs, ?.

The Death page lists: Sarah E. Childs; Ida F. Sherman, 1884; Evaline Childs, 1884; ? Bearse, ?

Bible found in Yarmouthport MA

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records

CHRISTMAN Family Bible, New York

1857 Bible with Martin Christman Family History

There are family records for Martin Christman b 10/27/1802 maried to Sally Salisbury b 12/21/1795

The Bible was found in Schoharie county NY.

It lists births for 7 children - 6 named. They include Spencer, Henry, Rachael Jane, Cyrenius, Jacob, James L and an unamed baby

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Family Bible Everson and Talley Family of Marcus Hook, PA and Wilmington, DE

This is an Old Family Bible printed in 1843 by H. & E. Hinney. This is the family Bible of the Everson Family of Marcus Hook, PA and Wilmington, DE.

One member of this family was Albert (Bert) G. Everson, who was a turn-of-the century major league baseball player. There are newspaper clipping tucked in the Bible recording his passing. One reads in part: "Born and raised in Marcus Hook, Pa., Mr. Everson gained fame on local diamonds as a player of unusual skill and was known familiarly to the public as Bert. In addition to playing for Marcus Hook, Media and numerous other teams in the county, Mr. Everson pitched in the Tri-State League and was in the major leagues for a time."

There is also Albert Everson's Commencement Program from his graduation from the Lower Chichester School District in 1884.

There are four pages of Family Records hand written in the Bible-- the first entry reads: "Albert G Everson and Hannah Talley was Married by the Revd Joseph Walker on Thursday the 10th day of Jany 1839 at Marcus Hook Del. Co., Penna."

Everson Talley Family Bible records

The actual marriage certificate is mounted inside the front cover of the Bible.

Tucked in the Bible was the membership certificate for Albert G. Everson in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

BOWEN Family Bible New York

This is an Old Bible printed in New York, NY in 1801.

There are hand-written family records for the Bowen family. The first entry reads:

Mary Bowen was born March the 15th 1775.

Other names mentioned include: John Bowen, Hanah Bowen, James Bowen, Samuel Bowen, Sarah Bowen, William Bowen, Elisabeth Bowen, Henry Bowen, Catharina Bowen, Susanna Bowen, etc.

There is an interesting newspaper clipping dated 1932 about the first steam railroad built in this country in Honesdale, PA--it is marked "Grandfather Bowen helped build this R.R.

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BLARE Family Bible, Indiana

Bible translated out of The Original Tongues, copyright 1845, published by New York American Bible society. Book also contains a brief family history on the front 3 pages, Blare Family

Joseph Blare born Dec. 22, 1823
Mary Blare born Sept 13, 1826
Joseph Blare and Mary Stanton was married Sept. -- 1846

Blare, Abel T., Jan. 21, 1855, 3m 19d, Son of T & C Blare
Blare, George, Died Feb. 27, 1841, in the 55th year of his age
Blare, Joseph, Died Sept. 13, 1850, 26y 8m 12d
Blare, Mary S., Dec. 12, 1848 – Oct. 19, 1854
Stanton, Eliza, 1833 – 1906, Wife of Zebulon Stanton
Stanton, John, Died 2-8-1885, 26y 5m 7d
Stanton, Zebulon, 1833 – 1912

Source: Mitchell Cemetery, Huntington County, Indiana

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1800s Large Family Bible B. Baker. This is a family bible from the family of Benjamin Baker. There is family history in this dating back to births as far back as the 1820s

Mr. Benjamin Baker and Miss Mary Newman married at Weld Maine, May 12, 1845

Wilbert B Baker - Helen A. Barg...? married at Bethel, June 10, 1903

George Benjamin Ricker, b. Dover Mass. Oct. 15, 1868

Charles L. Ricker died Randolph Mass. APril 17th 1870 aged 23 Years, 6 mos

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1845 BERRESFORD Family Bible

This is a family Bible, printed in New York, in 1845, by the American Bible Society. This Bible was carried to Kirkland Ohio, and a family member wrote the following account in the blank pages at the front of the Bible:

The following is an exact transcription from the bible. Spelling has been kept as the bible's owner had it. My notes are inside square brackets [ ]

Josiah Berresford Born 1757 in Brighton England He married Ruthann Schmidt 1775 in Berkes Co they removed to Albany.

The children were Nellie, Joshua, (Ellie Mae?), Samuel, Rufus and Cecil who died Nellie died from (consumption?) and newmonea [pneumonia]

Joshua married Annie Rawson (or Rauson?) and they removed to the W. Reserve on the packet boat along with Rufus who was a bachelor.

Rufus did find Maud Murry (or Nurry?) who came from Ireland Their children were Lexington, Samuel and Carrie.

Lexington was bourne in 1793, Samuel in 1794 and the girl follered (Sp) in 1796 They all lived in Kirkland Wilderness.

There was a cumotion (Sp) in Kirkland from the Bretish (Sp) (comin) back. Some cabins werl [were] burned by the indians. Kirkland Co. was not a piece of the Statse [States] than so they didn't send the Army out. The Bretish use the indians instead of getting the soldiers kilt .

Carrie was my granny ad [and] she married George Browne and wee [we] moved out to a place nearc the big lake. My father was a hoular [hauler] along the shore. Mother made the best pies and solde some to the others in the peresh [parrish?]. We all live from the Kirkland Wilderness to the Big Lake Allthou [although] Lexington went back to Berkes Co.

Just now expecting my first baby coning soon. Randolph is a goode husband He workes harder than any I know. The indians are calm now (and) they may (stay) so. Corn comen up goode.

Folded up inside the Bible was a sheet of "Register of Births". It reads:

Adam Berresford born July 26th 1844
Mary Ann January 15th 1846
Sarah Ann March 20 1868
Mary Elizabeth February 18 1870
Mary Martha December 17 1816?
Sarah Ann November 18 1858
Jakey (?) February 6 1849
Elizer Jane 8 1872
Hannah Elizabeth December 18 1876
John June 14 1878
Harriet July 25 1880
Hannah(?) June 29 1874
Minnie May Smith Sept 17 1900
John A. Berresford Dec 17 1939

On the other side of this record it says, under "Register of Marriages"

Adam and Mary Ann Berresford March 12 1866

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Sunday, September 19, 2004

VANDERMARK & KIVLER Family Bible, Indiana

Samuel S. Vandermark married Sarah A. Kivler, January 23, 1876, Palestine, Kosciusko County, Indiana. Witnesses: Mr. & Mrs. Horn and Mr. & Mrs. Kivler.


Sarah A. Kivler, March 1, 1858;
Harry Leroy Vandermark, November 13, 1877.

Samuel S. Vandermark was born in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, October 25, 1853, and died March 18, 1892.

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TALLMAN & MARSH Family Bible, Massachusetts & New York

Brittain B. Tallman born Sept. 2, 1794, married 11 March 1813 Lucy Marsh born 11 May 1797


Sarah 3 Nov. 1819
Darius 19 Feb. 1822
Elizabeth 21 Jan. 1824
Charles 1 Apr. 1826

1850 census Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts, b RI Marcius 10 Apr. 1828
Caroline F. 14 July 1830
Lucy Jane 29 Sept. 1832

From Watson Cary's house, Staten Island NY

Brian's Research found in the 1820 census Britton B. Tallman, Duanesburg, Schenectady, New York

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SMITH & BASSETT Family Bible, Indiana

This bible was made by the Jesper Harding Co. in 1851. Prominent names written in the Family records are Stout, Smith,Pierce. Includes a paper from the Masonic Mutual Benefit Society of Indiana 1892


Thomas T. Smith born 18 Sept. 1831
Caroline S. (Bassett) Smith born Feb. 4, 1835
William A. Smith born Feb. 12, 1856

Elias Smith died May 18, 1857, 1 year, 5 months, 14 days
Charley Smith died 2 June 1851, 9 mos 11 days
John T. Smith died April 21, 1866, 1 year, 3 mos, 9 days
William M. Smith died Sept. xx 1899, aged 43 years, 6 mos, 28 days
Thomas T. Smith died Oct. 2, 1897, 66 years, 15 days
Caroline S. Smith died March 27, 1887, 52 years, 1 month, 24 days
Marion D. Smith died Jan. 22, 1886, age 23 years, 7 mos, 12 days

Brian's Research: Found in 1880 census Harmony, Union, Indiana

Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace

Thomas SMITH Self M Male W 48 IN Farmer NJ DE
Caroline SMITH Wife M Female W 45 IN Keeping House MA NJ
Marion SMITH Son S Male W 18 IN Farm Laborer IN IN
Zelma SMITH Dau S Female W 12 IN At Home IN IN
John HERMAN Other S Male W 23 IN Farm Laborer GER GER

Source Information: Family History Library Film 1254316 NA Film Number T9-0316
Page Number 64A

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Engelbrecht & Ramsburg Family Bible, Maryland

LARGE HOLY BIBLE, Published 1816 in Philadelphia by M. Carey, No. 121 Chestnut Street 1816.


*Inside of front cover is inscribed John Ramsburg, Near Frederick Town Maryland 1816
*Pressed Flowers in Bible
*Paper Snowflake dated February 14th 1845 and signature of family member
*Family History from Frederick Maryland area.
*Contains family history data of Engelbrecht and Ramsburg families

Family Records

Jacob Engelbrecht, son of Conrad & Margaret, was born in Frederick-town [sic] Maryland on Dec. 11, 1797

Elizabeth Ramsburgh, daughter of John & Rebecca, was born near Frederick-town [sic] Maryland June 4, 1803

Ann Rebecca Engelbrecht, daughter of Jacob & Elizabeth born near Frederick-town [sic] Maryland 27 Feb. 1826, christened 4th June following by Rev. D. F. Shaeffer. June 7, 1826

Phillipp Melancthon Engelbrecht son of Jacob & Elizabeth born 1834

Mary Virginia, daughter of P. M. Engelbrecht & Selina V. was born July 13th, 1856

Charles Ernest, son of P. M. Engelbrecht & Selina V. was born Sept. 7, 1857

Lewis William, son of P. M. Engelbrecht & Selina V. was born Friday at noon, [--] 21st, 1859. Baptised by Rev. George Diehl Wed. evening Oct. 24, 1860

Benjamin Kuntz?, son of P. M. Engelbrecht & Selina V. was born July 11, 1862 and was baptised by Rev. George Diehl July 21, 1863

Ernest Eugene, son of P. M. Engelbrecht & Selina V. was born March 16, 1865 and was baptised May 2, 1865 by Rev. B. H. C--, Chaplain of U.S.A. General Hospital

Abraham? -- Engelbrecht, born Feb. 17, 1867

Harriet Eliza Engelbrecht, born Friday -- 11th, 1869

Ella Estelle Engelbrecht, born Sept. 5, 1871 died Sept. 3, 1875, age 3 years, 11 months, 29 days

Jacob Leonard son of P. M. Engelbrecht & Selina V. was born Sat. May 10, 1873 bpt by Rev. George Diehl Aug. 4, 1874

Selena Virginia Storm daughter of Peter & Harriet Storm was born Sept. 19, 1843

Daniel Steiner Engelbrecht born Sun. Aug. 19, 1890

Ann Rebecca Engelbrecht died Sept. 14, 1832 age 6 years, 6 months, 16 days

Mary Virginia Engelbrecht died Aug. 6, 1856 age 3 weeks, 3 days

Charles Ernest Engelbrecht died April 14, 1861 age 3 years, 7 months, 7 days

Ernest Eugene Engelbrecht died Sunday morning, August 1865, age 11 months, 21 days

Eliza. Engelbrecht wife of Jacob Engelbrecht died Dec. 30, 1872, 69 years, 6 months and -- days. Buried on Mt. Olive, -- , Jan. 1, 1873


Writen by J. Engelbrecht, Frederick Maryland, Saturday, July 9 1864 at 5 ½ oclock pm.
The Rebel army or rather the wagon train and its Cavalry and Infantry Guards passed through Frederick this day – the wagons numbered 300 or 400 – they came first about 6 Ock am. From the west (from Hagerstown) and got through about one O’clock pm. – but still Squads of horsemen of 10.p of 20.b have been passing all the time – Where the main army is at this time, we cannot say – as we are completely isolated and can hear nothing from either point of the compass. Except what the Rebs tell us but on that we cannot depend – we had a small engagement at the west end of the town two days ago (July 7, 1864) – but the Union troops all left here last night. – a few days will let us breathe a little freer – at the same time, I would remark the union people of our own do not appear to be very much alarmed – as we had the whole Rebel Army in our town once before (Sept 6, 1862) - the present Army is Commanded they say by genl, Jubal Early.

The Jacob Engelbrecht death ledger of Frederick County, Maryland, 1820-1890 Jacob Engelbrecht

The Jacob Engelbrecht marriage ledger of Frederick County, Maryland, 1820-1890 Jacob Engelbrecht

The Jacob Engelbrecht property and almshouse ledgers of Frederick County, Maryland Jacob Engelbrecht

The Diary of Jacob Engelbrecht--From 1819 to 1878, Jacob Engelbrecht recorded Frederick County history in the pages of his hand-bound diary. He included topics ranging from national events, such as the Civil War, to those of local importance. He included the activities of his daily life as well as his thoughts about the issues of the day. The diarist also recorded marriages, births, deaths and other milestones of the community. Engelbrecht’s diary provides historians and genealogists a unique opportunity to discover Frederick County’s rich heritage. The hardcover, two-volume version is printed on acid free paper and features an improved presentational format. It also includes a comprehensive index, passages not available in previous publications and translations of German passages.

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Thursday, August 19, 2004

MORSE Family Bible, Massachusetts

These bibles are from the North Shore of Massachuestts, most likely Salem to Boston. The town of Beverly is mentioned. Earliest recorded date is 1816. Includes the Morse, Goodhue, Foster, Parker and Stanley names.


Jeremiah Morse - Abigail Parker May 9, 1816
Addison Goodhue - Harriet Morse Jan 30, 1838
Albert Foster - Abigail B. Morse March 30, 1842
Charles Kent - xx Foster, xx 1869
plus more


Harriet Morse, born Nov. 29, 1818
Abigail Morse, born Sept 17, 1817
Corning Morse, born Aug. 17, 1822
Abigail Morse, born Oct. 17, 1823
John C. Morse, born Sept. 6, 1826
Addison Goodhue, born Dec. 15, 1838
plus more


Corning, s/o Jeremiah & Abigail Morse, died Feb. 21, 1825 age 3 years, 6 mos, 4 days
Eben, s/o Harriet & Addison Goodhue, died July 30, 1844
Abigail, d/o Jeremiah & Abigail Morse, died Feb. 3, 1818 age 4 mos, 17 days
Abigail, wife of Jeremiah Morse, died Arpil 7, 185[8?], age 72 years 4 mos
Jeremiah Morse died May 25, 1864 age 72 years

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LEDDEN & TURNER Family Bible, New Jersey

This bible was published in 1866 by "JOHN EDWIN POTTER, NO.617 SANSOM STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA.

There is a section for entering the owner's family history. In this section is listed "James R. Ledden and Jane Turner, Glassboro, N.J. March 1809 with "children" written beneath this, followed by the names of their children and birth dates:

Henry P. Ledden, Glassboro, N.J., Oct. 1833,
Sarah J. Ledden, Clayton, N.J., July 27, 1836,
Louisa A. Ledden, Glassboro, January, 1841,
Abigail S. Ledden, "", February 16, 1848,
Benjamin J. Ledden, "",July 1851.

There is also a section with photos that are older than the bible. There are approximately 25 to 30 antique photos and some are very early because the material that they are on feels like some kind of metal and I have never seen this in modern photos.. The inscription "photographed by Chas. Jameson, Harrisburg, Pa." appears in the back of the lady's photograph.

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Monday, July 19, 2004

KIMBALL & HAZEN Family Bible

Philadelphia: Printed and Published By Mathew Carey 1811

Israel Kimball - Phoebe Hazen Feb 25, 1794
Israel Kimball b 1769
Phoebe Kimball [Hazen] b 1772
Israel 1795
Jacob H. 1800
Richard 1806
Tapley 1809
Ira 1816
Hannah 1796
Nepazbiah 1798
Phebe 1814

NOTE: I found this family on Ancestry One World Tree.

Israel Kimball Born: 2 Dec 1769 Andover, Essex, Massachusetts Died: 20 Nov 1830 Bethel, Maine married 25 Feb 1794 in Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts Phebe Hazen Born: 3 Dec 1772 in Boxford, Essex, Massachusetts Died: 26 Nov 1854

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CONKLIN Family Bible, Ohio

Ppublished in 1839, leather bound Bible contains several listings for the Conklin family, from the Morrow County Ohio area, at least in later years. There are also some listings for Iles, and an envelope with separate papers in the back with several more listings for Iles

Front inside cover: Hannah Conklin, her book 1839


Hannah Conklin wife of George W. Conklin died Oct. 26th, 1865 age 47 years 3 months 2 6 days.


George Conklin was married to Hannah Conklin Dec. 31st 1839
Susan Ann Conklin to Origon Miner Iles Oct 8th 1864
Sarah Elnor [sic] Conklin to Jeremiah Stephen Iles June 16, 1861

Family Record - Births

George Conklin born Jan. 4 1818
Hannah Conklin his wife is born Jan 1 1818

  • Sarah Eleanor Conklin born Jan. 28, 1841
  • Susan Ann Conklin born July 5, 1842
  • Gilbert Judson Conklin born Sept. 24, 1843
  • Abram ? Conklin born April 13, 1853

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COLE Family Bible, Ohio & New York

Large Holy Bible published by J.B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia; 1866 with family geneology from the original owners of this Bible, The Cole family of Norwalk OH and Little Falls, NY area from 1783-1980

John Cole married Eunice on 19 June 1793 at Sterling Connecticut by Rev. Mr. Porter. See John's will, 8 Nov. 1833, filed in Fairfield, Herkimer County New York. Names Justus Allen Cole, Eunice Ann Cole, Asa Cole, all under 21 years of age, and appoints Linus Everts as their guardian. [Brian's Note: I believe these 3 are his grandchildren, children of his deceased son Asa] Also names his wife Eunice and his older children (3 sons and 2 daughters) Lucy, John, Hannah, Almira, Thomas, Truman. Also names his son Asa Cole, deceased, and leaves a bequest to his 3 grandchildren, the children of Asa.

1880 Census Place Fairfield, Herkimer, New York

Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace

Justus COLE Self M Male W 55 OH Retired Farmer NY OH

Martha COLE Wife M Female W 47 NY Keeping House NY NY

Anna COLE Dau S Female W 19 NY At Home OH NY

Truman COLE Son S Male W 17 NY At Home OH NY

Elmira COLE Dau S Female W 15 NY At Home OH NY

Libbie PORTER Other S Female W 10 NY Attends School NY NY

Source Information: Family History Library Film 1254837

NA Film Number T9-0837
Page Number 38B

Cole, Asa C. (Little Falls) dairyman, farmer 265 and leases of Truman cole, 238

Justus A. Cole and Ezra B. Helligas (Little Falls) props. of C.B. Gill's non-freezing pump,for Herkimer Co.
Cole, Justus A. (Little Falls) Cole & Helligas; dairyman, dealer in patent farm gates and farmer 248

Gazetteer and Business Directory of Herkimer County, N.Y. 1869-70

A family named Cole from Connecticut settled in the Alexander district. They were Mr. and Mrs. Cole, three sons and three daughters. The sons were John Jr., Justin and Asa. The daughters were Hannah, Almira and another one who married Mr. Pearl and lived in Eaton's Bush. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl had two sons and one daughter Lovina. The sons were: Ebenezer and Isaac. Hannah, Almira and John died unmarried. Source: Historical Events of The Early Settlers of Fairfield, White Creek and Vicinity

October 30, 1873:
Asa C. Cole of Fairfield met a sad death at Shingle Hollow in the town of Hoosick on Wednesday afternoon by a horse running away and stampeding a herd of cattle belonging to himself and brother who were engaged driving them to market when Cole was trampled to death. [Source: The Camden Advance Journal]

COLE, John, D. 5-6-1827, 54yr., Wf. Lydia COLE, Lydia, D. 1-2-1852, 76 yrs., Hus. John

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