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Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Hawes Family Bible

This fantastic Hawes Family Bible is up for sale on Ebay Item number:380140103842

William Hawes born in Dorchester Oct. 23d 1772
Elizabeth Leeds born in Dorchester Jan. 30th, 1775
They were married at Dorchester July 13th 1806 by the Rev. Thaddeus Mason Harris The Births of their Children are as follows:

Gustavus William Hawes born in Boston July 4th, 1807 and christened by the Rev. Joseph MacKean
Sarah Elizabeth Hawes born in Boston January 4th, 1809 and christened by the Rev. Horace Holley.
Marcia L. Dunlap Hawes born in North Yarmouth Feb'y 18th, 1818
Clarissa Hawes born in Westbrook March 22th, 1820.
Joseph Hawes born in Northyarmouth March 17, 1822
Mary Goold Hawes born in Northyarmouth January 31th, 1824.
Matilda Hawes born in Northyarmouth, May 19th, 1832
Elizabeth Rufswurm? Hawes born in Nyarmouth Oct. 28th, 1835
Elizabeth Hawes died February 7, 1812 Aged 37 years & eight days
Susan W. Goold born in Weymouth December 18th, 1787
William Hawes's Second Marriage to Susan Rufswurm? May 4th, 1817 in Northyarmouth by Reverend Otis Briggs
Sarah E. Hawes Married to Richmond L. Cutter January 4th, 1830 in North Yarmouth by Rev. Alonzo King
Susan Blanchard Died Feb. 12th, 1830 aged 21 years.
James H. Blanchard married Eliza Ann Wood at Church Hill, Mississippi March 16th, 1843 by Rev. James A. Rox
Marcia Scott Dunlap Hawes Robinson died May 10th, 1855
William Hawes dyed May 23, 1832 aged four days.
Marcia L.D. Hawes Married Dr. L. Robinson Sept. 13th, 1837 Married by Rev. David Shapley
Gustavus William Hawes Died at Alton, Illinois Jan. 6th, 1840 aged 32 years & 6 months.

Joseph Hawes family Wm. Hawes Children
Josefa Arosemena Born at Panama New Granada March 12th, 1837
Joseph Hawes married to Josefa Arosemina in Panama August 14th 1854 by Bishop Barera
The Births of their Children were as follows viz:
Catalina Isabel Maria Hawes born in Panama on April 30th, 1856
Eliza Carolina Hawes born in Portland, Maine September 13th, 1857 and died April 11th 1858 aged 7 months and 4 days
Gustavus William Hawes born in Panama, N.G. June 6th, 1859.
Clarissa Hawes died at Spring Hill, Adams Co., Mississippi, Oct.22nd, 1859.
Joseph Hawes died in Panama N. Granada on April 14th, 1862, aged 40 years.
Matilda Hawes (Wood) died at Madison, Maine Feb. 5th, 1864, aged 37 years.

Children of Joseph & Sarah Hawes Born in Dorchester
Sarah Hawes was born July 5th, 1767
Sarah Hawes was born January 27th, 1769
Joseph Hawes was born October 26th, 1770
William Hawes was born October 23rd, 1772
John Hawes was born August 31st, 1774
Betsy Hawes was born May 7th, 1777
Phineas Hawes was born March 17th, 1780
Matilda Hawes was born November 10th, 1781
Caleb Hawes was born September 8th, 1783
Clarissa Hawes was born May 26th, 1789
Rebecca Hawes was born September 8th, 1792

Mrs. Sarah Hawes Died December 8th, 1800, aged 54 years
Mr. Joseph Hawes died November 5th, 1804, aged 59 years
Deaths of their children are as follows:
Sarah Hawes died March 27th, 1768, 8 years 8 months
Joseph Hawes died October 14th, 1808, 38 years
Rebecca Hawes died September 9th, 1792, age 1 dayClarissa Hawes died September 9th, 1792, age 3 years
Caleb Hawes died November 6th, 1792, aged 9 years
Phineas Hawes died at the Bay of Honduras September 20th, 1810, aged 30 years
John Hawes died June 26th, 1813, aged 39 years.
Matilda Farrow Died in New York Oct. 2th, 1818, aged 37 years.
William Hawes died in North Yarmouth, Maine Sept. 6th, 1842
Sarah Hawes (Smith) died at Dorchester Mass. January 1859, aged 90 years.