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Saturday, June 19, 2004


This is a Family Bible published by Jesper Harding & Son of Philadelphia in 1857 . The family name is Gates. There are wonderful color chromatic images and black and white pictures as well. It is almost 150 years old.

The history is : Enoch Gates Born Sept. 30 1817 died 1880, his wife Mary Eliza Marshall, Born Dec.20 1827, died May 1900.

Children, George 1846-1928. James 1854-1931. Edwin 1862-1916. Isabella 1849-1928. and John Macauley 1870, death unknown

The bible was found in North Bay Ontario Canada

Note: I found the burial records of Enoch and Mary Eliza Gates, in Melvern Square United Baptist Church Graveyard in Annapolis County Nova Scotia

Gates Enoch Enoch Gates died Sep 11, 1880 aged 63

Mary Eliza wife died May 2, 1905 aged 78

Cemetery Records include many other GATES family members.

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records