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Monday, October 25, 2010

O’Connell family of New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Cincinnati, Ohio

Family Register

Death and Memoranda (chiefly births) were filled covering from 1852 to 1928 of O’Connell family of [New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Cincinnati, Ohio] as noted by following excerpts:

James O’Connell [Father]
Ann Handlon [Mother]

Eugene O’Connell 1852 ( Aug. 22nd)
Cornelius O’Connell 1854 (Dec. 12th)
James O’Connell 1856 (Dec 26th)
Margaret O’Connell 1861 (Feb. 20th )

Ann O’Connell 1895 (April 17th)
James O’Connell 1897 (June 24)
Margaret O’Connell 1925 (Nov. 2nd)

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