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Thursday, December 18, 2008

Porter Family Bible

The Improved Domestic Bible. Belonging to one family, The Porters,William Porter,Mary Jane Steer Married in Toronto March 9, 1869, Births; William Richard Porter,Lindsay Victoria Co. Onterio April 10 AD 1871

Charles Porter, Plymouth England, Sept 3 AD 1873

Fredarick Alfred Porter, Lindsay Victoria County Ontario, April 12 AD 1876

Hetta Rosaline Porter, Toronto Canada, Jan. 1 AD 1879

Deaths; Hard to read? Wm R. d Porter Chicago Ill. July 11, 1881 Aged 10 years 3 mo. Birth not listed but does say Beloved Son. Complete with old family Photos, Negatives, Hand made Embroidered Book Marks. Registers are filled in at the beginning with complete Marriage Liscense in full color.

You can find more genealogy records for Victoria County Ontario at
Victoria County Gen Web

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Painter Family Bible Pennsylvania

King James version Bible, dated 1825. It was recently acquired form a Pennsylvania estate and has many hand written family records inside on the Painter Family. Jacob Painter born 1800 was the original owner of the Bible.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Wilhelmus and Catharine Coon of Clermont Family Bible

The family history section of this Bible contains info on births, marriages, etc. The marriage certificate page has been filled out with the info on the apparent Patriarch and Matriarch of the family which owned the Bible (Wilhelmus and Catharine Coon of Clermont, who married at “a Farmer’s house” in 1826 by Elder Rudy). Subsequent family info pages record other marriages of the Coon’s (with other family names notes), as well as births/deaths ranging from 1826 to a 1945 death. A couple of sheets of names have been added by a previous owner (written on 20th century stationary.

The photo section includes a sweet array of 17 - 19th century (ca. 1860s - 1880s?) sepia (and 1 tintype) photos of men, women, children, and babies. I found an early machine photo (group of 4 in the strip) loose in the Bible.

This Coon Family Bible is for sale on Ebay Item number: 360114041970.