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Tuesday, October 19, 2004

BOWEN Family Bible New York

This is an Old Bible printed in New York, NY in 1801.

There are hand-written family records for the Bowen family. The first entry reads:

Mary Bowen was born March the 15th 1775.

Other names mentioned include: John Bowen, Hanah Bowen, James Bowen, Samuel Bowen, Sarah Bowen, William Bowen, Elisabeth Bowen, Henry Bowen, Catharina Bowen, Susanna Bowen, etc.

There is an interesting newspaper clipping dated 1932 about the first steam railroad built in this country in Honesdale, PA--it is marked "Grandfather Bowen helped build this R.R.

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BLARE Family Bible, Indiana

Bible translated out of The Original Tongues, copyright 1845, published by New York American Bible society. Book also contains a brief family history on the front 3 pages, Blare Family

Joseph Blare born Dec. 22, 1823
Mary Blare born Sept 13, 1826
Joseph Blare and Mary Stanton was married Sept. -- 1846

Blare, Abel T., Jan. 21, 1855, 3m 19d, Son of T & C Blare
Blare, George, Died Feb. 27, 1841, in the 55th year of his age
Blare, Joseph, Died Sept. 13, 1850, 26y 8m 12d
Blare, Mary S., Dec. 12, 1848 – Oct. 19, 1854
Stanton, Eliza, 1833 – 1906, Wife of Zebulon Stanton
Stanton, John, Died 2-8-1885, 26y 5m 7d
Stanton, Zebulon, 1833 – 1912

Source: Mitchell Cemetery, Huntington County, Indiana

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1800s Large Family Bible B. Baker. This is a family bible from the family of Benjamin Baker. There is family history in this dating back to births as far back as the 1820s

Mr. Benjamin Baker and Miss Mary Newman married at Weld Maine, May 12, 1845

Wilbert B Baker - Helen A. Barg...? married at Bethel, June 10, 1903

George Benjamin Ricker, b. Dover Mass. Oct. 15, 1868

Charles L. Ricker died Randolph Mass. APril 17th 1870 aged 23 Years, 6 mos

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1845 BERRESFORD Family Bible

This is a family Bible, printed in New York, in 1845, by the American Bible Society. This Bible was carried to Kirkland Ohio, and a family member wrote the following account in the blank pages at the front of the Bible:

The following is an exact transcription from the bible. Spelling has been kept as the bible's owner had it. My notes are inside square brackets [ ]

Josiah Berresford Born 1757 in Brighton England He married Ruthann Schmidt 1775 in Berkes Co they removed to Albany.

The children were Nellie, Joshua, (Ellie Mae?), Samuel, Rufus and Cecil who died Nellie died from (consumption?) and newmonea [pneumonia]

Joshua married Annie Rawson (or Rauson?) and they removed to the W. Reserve on the packet boat along with Rufus who was a bachelor.

Rufus did find Maud Murry (or Nurry?) who came from Ireland Their children were Lexington, Samuel and Carrie.

Lexington was bourne in 1793, Samuel in 1794 and the girl follered (Sp) in 1796 They all lived in Kirkland Wilderness.

There was a cumotion (Sp) in Kirkland from the Bretish (Sp) (comin) back. Some cabins werl [were] burned by the indians. Kirkland Co. was not a piece of the Statse [States] than so they didn't send the Army out. The Bretish use the indians instead of getting the soldiers kilt .

Carrie was my granny ad [and] she married George Browne and wee [we] moved out to a place nearc the big lake. My father was a hoular [hauler] along the shore. Mother made the best pies and solde some to the others in the peresh [parrish?]. We all live from the Kirkland Wilderness to the Big Lake Allthou [although] Lexington went back to Berkes Co.

Just now expecting my first baby coning soon. Randolph is a goode husband He workes harder than any I know. The indians are calm now (and) they may (stay) so. Corn comen up goode.

Folded up inside the Bible was a sheet of "Register of Births". It reads:

Adam Berresford born July 26th 1844
Mary Ann January 15th 1846
Sarah Ann March 20 1868
Mary Elizabeth February 18 1870
Mary Martha December 17 1816?
Sarah Ann November 18 1858
Jakey (?) February 6 1849
Elizer Jane 8 1872
Hannah Elizabeth December 18 1876
John June 14 1878
Harriet July 25 1880
Hannah(?) June 29 1874
Minnie May Smith Sept 17 1900
John A. Berresford Dec 17 1939

On the other side of this record it says, under "Register of Marriages"

Adam and Mary Ann Berresford March 12 1866

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