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Thursday, May 20, 2004

JOHNSON Family Bible, Ohio

This is a very old Johnson family bible owned by John Johnson born on Aug 4, 1775 and his first wife was named Rebekah Baker? b. Mar. 3, 1778 2nd wife Cathrine

Other names listed in birth list are: Thomas Johnson, William Johnson, Margret Johnson, John Johnson Jr., Joseph Johnson, what looks like either Jack or Isack Johnson, Sarah Johnson, Samyel Johnson, & Mary Jane Johnson also Eliza Jane Hadley, Caroline Hadley, Dorothy Neible, & David Neible

The Bible came from OHIO.

From family register page:

Left column
John Johnson Senior born Aug. 4, 1775
-- Baker was born March -- 1778
Thomas Johnson born March -- 1802
William? Johnson born -- 1807 [last digit crossed out and a 7 written in. Since the children were apparently entered in birth order I suspect this was done later]
Margaret Johnson born -- 1805
John Johnson Jr born May 31, 1809
Joseph Johnson born Aug 31 1810?
Isaac Johnson born May 23, 1814
Samyel [sic] Johnson born May 10, 1819
Mary Jane Johnson born April 15 1822
Right column:
Ellizabeth Hadley born March 1832
Caroline Hadley born Feb. 14, 1834
Dorothy Niebbe? born March -- 1886
David Niebbe? born --

Next page - Births
Emma Jane Niebbe? born -- 185-
3 more names, hard to read

Rebekah Johnson departed this life in the 58 year of her age March -- 1835
Corlian [?] Hadley departed this life ?-three years, four months and eight days

Mary Jain [sic] Johnson departed this life age in her 17th year this 14 day of May 1838 at half after 8 o'clock

Thomas Johnson departed this life in the 44 year of his age June 3, 1845

The latest date entered is 1895 and all others are much older. Its in very good shape for the age. It has 4 pages of names and a couple of notes inside loose. On the back of a letter dated 1885 says,

"April 20-1885 Joseph Johnson was born August 31, 1811 on the old homestead east of Clinton in Morris township (looks like Honot) County Ohio."

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records

Wednesday, May 19, 2004


This Bible is dated 1830, and there are 4 pages of family records, all pictured below. There were also a sheets of paper inside the Bible with family history. Earle Rinker made an update in 1952, stating the what info was. Earle's mother's maiden name was Mary Isadore Rinker, maiden name Fenwick. There are a bunch of births listed, from 1802 to 1850. There are also a bunch of deaths listed, from 1839 to 1906. This appears mostly be Fenwick family, sometimes spelled Finwick. Some of it is easy to read, some of it is not. The same is true with the sheets of paper. Although the one sheet is actually typed out and dated 1903. This sheet has the born dates for 13 Fenwicks, such as Elizabeth in 1807 and Abigail in 1834. There are also some writte notes next to them, such as Nancy dying at 17 and some mention of Tabitha disappearing.

There is also two sheets with letterhead advertising S.C. Rinker - Breeder of English Berkshire Swine, Langshans and Light-Brahmas. They were located in Daleville, Indiana. S.C. was for Samuel Cleveland, and he married Mary. So, Samuel was Earle's father. A bunch of Rinker birth dates are written on one of the sheets, such as Vivian Rinker in 1885. There is also a very early sheet with more Fenwick births.

Unreadable faded entries of marriage
William Fenwick and my wife Susanna was married jan. 14 1860

Note: Sept. 3, 1952 [different hand]: After my mother lost part of her sight she attempted to trace over date of Wm. and Mary Gilbert Fenwick marriage, see left, The line above "Oct. 1832" reads as follows " of Jan. in 1832". The writing was badly faded and my mother Mary Isadore Fenwick Rinker attempted to copy over the original but made mistake. She was d/o Cary Fenwick and granddaughter of Wm and Mary Fenwick.

William Fenwick born July 23, 1803
Mary my wife born 13 day xx, 1802
Cary Fenwick born 3 day of Jan? 1833
Harry Fenwick born 1834
can't read next entry
Sheldon? Milton? Fenwick May 1839
Miles Fenwick July 3, 1840
Madison Fenwick 14 June 1842
George Fenwick (next few lines xxed out - looks like "born March 6, 1849") born September 1850
Next page: Samuel Gilbert born Oct. 4, 1804
Abigal [sic] Fenwick born 25 Nov. 1812
Stephen Fenwick Sept. 19, 1885


A. Giles? Abigal? Fenwick died Oct. 20, 1814?
William Fenwick died Aug. 1 1855?1885?
Miles?? Fenwick died May 6, 1886 [illegible] Shreve Port Louisiana
Hary [sic] Fenwick died age 18, 1916
more deaths right hand column, hard to read

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records

BREWSTER Family Bible

Holy Bible printed in London. A family Holy Bible dated 1845.

The family names written in ink inside the front cover are:

Henrietta Brewster. The daughter of William & Esther Brewster born 19 August 1851.

James Thomas Brewster, born 23 April 1853.

Ann Elizabeth Brewster, born 4 Dec 1854.

Esther Brewster, born 23 May 1856.

William Brewster, born 13 April 1861.

Jeremiah Brewster, born 20 September 1862.

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

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