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Tuesday, January 20, 2004

FANS & FAUNCE Family Bible

This Old Bible printed in 1816 by T. Kinnersley, London has the name Christian Fans is promenently written inside the front cover. There are two pages of family records.

The first entry reads: Christian Fans & Sarah Fans was Married on the Ninth Day of Feby. 1804.

The names John Faunce, Mary Faunce, Samuel Faunce and Susan Fans Decca are also mentioned--there are others that I have trouble reading.

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records

DAVIDSON & EDWARDS Family Bible, Virginia & Kentucky

This is from an old family Bible published by Carlton and Phillips of New York in 1852. The Bible belonged originally to a John Davidson who married in 1853 to Mary Ann Edwards.

Davidson Family Births & Deaths records

It must have been passed on to a nephew of Mary Ann named Albert Thornton Edwards as most of the family register deals with his family. There is some early connection with Winchester, Kentucky and Covington, Kentucky but the family settled in Luckinghole, Goochland County, Virginia.

Davidson Family Marriage Records

There are births, baptisms, marriages and deaths recorded in the family register and on loose sheets and there are other family clippings and personal items stored within the pages as well.

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records

Thursday, January 15, 2004

FORD - LYMAN Family Bible, Ohio

Initially belonged to Ford Family from Cleveland, Ohio: Inside the front cover is the gilt leather bookplate of "FORD. O.D.F. 1876 E.C.F.", where O.D.F. is related to Orville D.Ford and E.C.F. - to Elizabeth C.Ford (nee Maxwell).
Birth Records:

Lewis Ford - born 2/20/1806
, Christia B. Lyman - b. 5/7/1805,
Orville D.Ford - b. 10/2/1845,
Elizabeth C. Maxwell - b. 4/27/1838,
Lyman Albert Ford - b. 1/20/1867,
Florence Edith Ford - 12/4/1870,
Flora Addie Ford - b. 12/4/1870.

Marriages Records:

Lewis Ford married to Christia B. Lyman 9/11/1832,

Orville D. Ford married to Elizabeth C. Maxwell 12/5/1865.

Deaths: Christia B. Lyman Ford died 7/20/1864,

Orville D. Ford d. 10/6/1879,

Flora Addie Ford d. 12/14/1880,

Florence Edith Ford d. 12/22/1880.

Stored in the Bible is also a tender and pathetic letter in poem form written on a cut blue paper by 8 1/2 years old daughter to her mother:

"To Mrs. O. D. Ford.
21 26 E uclid Ave.
Cleveland, Ohio

Cleveland July 6, 1879

Dear Mother;

You are as sweet as honey; and
papa is as sweet as clover;
Lyman is as sweet as white clover;
And Addie is sweet as red clover;
But I am as sweet as the bird
That flys in the air.

Good by Mother:

from your child.

good by; E. F. Ford"

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records