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Thursday, March 15, 2012

Found on E-Bay Family Bible Bucher Family

1871 antique German Family Bible found on E-Bay for the  Bucher (Bucker) Family of Pennsylvania. Possibly from Lancaster? PA.

Book is in German and was printed in Philadelphia, PA.

Bible has family genealogy pages filled out with births and deaths. No photographs in photo section though.

Family members include Parents: Jacob Bucher born 1821 and Harriet Bucher born 1844. Children include: Edwin - 1863, Samuel- 1864, Lemond or Lemon - 1865, Abraham - 1867, Cora - 1872, Anna - 1878, Katie- 1878.

Also have info on Marriage of Abraham to Leah Bauers in 1913 by Stephen Schweitzer, Minister.

Also deaths are listed as well.

Thursday, June 02, 2011

Curran Lacy Eggleston McMahon Family Bible


1 Type-written Family Record w/ Nine PA & NY Birth Records
1 Hand-written Family Record w/ 7 US & Ireland Birth Records
(including wwi veteran Ambrose Curran, born May 1892)
1 Vintage Family Photograph w/ Nine Young Men & Ladies
3 Signed WWI Deployment Inquiry Response Letters - Edgar R. Kiess
(in response to M. Curran's inquiry about his son's return from war on July 5th, 1919)
1 Signed WWI War Department Adjutant General Charles Peter Harris Letter
(also in response to AG 201 Curran, Ambrose E.'s return from war)
1 Virginia House Rep. William J. Howell Hand-Written Political Garden Party Invitation
(w/ small envelope written out to Mr. Mike Curran)
1 Vintage Cloth 'CANDIDATE' Ribbon or Armband - Measures 2x8 Inches
1 Vintage Cloth 'MRS. JNO. CURRAN' Ribbon or Armband - Measures 2x10.5 Inches
1 Vintage Gloria In Excelsis Deo Religious Die-Cut Card / Book Mark
1 High School Junior Promenade Class of 1908 Philadelphia Dental College Program
(w/ fourteen family names & dance partner's signatures recorded within)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Family Bible of John Ferris, East Hampton, Mass. 1860's.

The Family Record pages record 8 lines of Marriages,including John Ferris son of Richard Ferris, Margaret King daughter of Edmond King & Margaret Donohue Bally. Birth page has 5 lines, including Partick Ferris Sept. 1861, John Ferris Sept 1865, Thomas Ferris July 1867, Edmond Ferris Dec 1868 & Mary Ann Ferris Nov 1873.

Item number: 200595105708

Friday, February 18, 2011

McKay Family Bible

Marriages: Waldo A. Russell & Mary C.McKay June 16th, 1875
Waldo A Russell & Julia E Wallace, December 27, 1882
Births: Cora J. Russell, March 17, 1876
Mabel McKay Russell, March 24, 1878
Deaths: Mary McKay Russell, July 6, 2881 @ Concord, NH, Age 30 years, one month & 28 days, Waldo Russell, Jan 22, 1903, Concord, NH

Ebay Item number: 200576724208

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Monday, October 25, 2010

O’Connell family of New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Cincinnati, Ohio

Family Register

Death and Memoranda (chiefly births) were filled covering from 1852 to 1928 of O’Connell family of [New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and Cincinnati, Ohio] as noted by following excerpts:

James O’Connell [Father]
Ann Handlon [Mother]

Eugene O’Connell 1852 ( Aug. 22nd)
Cornelius O’Connell 1854 (Dec. 12th)
James O’Connell 1856 (Dec 26th)
Margaret O’Connell 1861 (Feb. 20th )

Ann O’Connell 1895 (April 17th)
James O’Connell 1897 (June 24)
Margaret O’Connell 1925 (Nov. 2nd)

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