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Saturday, May 23, 2009

J.T Blackman Family Bible

Family Bible of Elder J.T Blackman who died April 15, 1919. A remembrance funeral card was found inside the bible and a family tree dating back to1864 is inscribed on first two inside pages.

If you are working on the Blackman genealogy this might be a great find. The J.T Blackman Family Bible is for sale on Ebay Item number: 280347470314

Friday, May 15, 2009

Thompson Family Bible

The Thompson Family Bible is up for sale on Ebay Item number: 330329381703.

David G Thompson & Margaret Wilson were married on July 20th, 1856

David G Thompson [son of William and Eliza Thompson] 1828 (May 6th)
Margaret M Wilson [daughter of Joseph and Harriet Wilson] 1838 (May 20th)
Catherine Thompson [daughter of William and Eliza Thompson] 1832 (September 6th)
Ann Thompson [same as above] 1834 (Jan. 28th)
Mary Thompson [same as above] 1837 (April 6th)
William Thompson [son of William and Eliza] 1840 (July 9th)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Westall Family Bible

The Westall Family Bible is up for sale on Ebay. Family records covering the years 1858 to 1964 of three generations of Westall family.


Harrison Franklin Westall and Louise Jane Eldridge 1889 (July 24)
Mabel Clara Westall and John Burton Killer 1914 (Sept. 30)
Mabel Westall Killer and Auther Otto Rhein 1931 (Nov 28)


Harrison F Westall 1858 (Oct. 15)
Louise Jane Westall 1861 (Nov. 25)
Mabel Clara Westall 1890 (June 28)
Arther Otto Rheiner 1901 (Oct. 17)


Harrison Franklin Westall 1937 (Jan. 10)
Louise Jane Westall 1932 (Apr. 23)
Mabel Westall 1964 (Jan. 17)

Ebay Item number: 270387804494

Friday, May 08, 2009

Wilson Family Bible

The Wilson Family Bible is up for sale on Ebay. Item number: 330328620984.

Total of four pages of extensive family records were densely recorded in the Bible family register covering 1798 - 1954 of five generations of Wilson, Durrell, Siebern, Connor, Campbell, and other families [from State of Ohio or other places] all descended and directly related by marriage from Wilson family. Some detailed information that I think important to genealogy are presented below.


John Wilson and Mary B Clark 1824 (Jan. 8th)

Samuel Wilson and Elizabeth Ann White 1835 (Jan. 11th)

Elizabeth Wilson and William Durrell 1853 (March 23rd)

Grietta P Durrell and John W Siebern 1880 (Oct. 26th)

Arista Durrell and Edrion S Miller 1888 (Sep. 24th)

Blanche Wilson Durrell and Alexander Connor 1894 (Nov. 8th)

Fay Elizabeth Sieber and William Campbell 1914 (Jan. 3rd)

Siebern Campbell and Harriet Craig Woods 1947 (April 16th)


John Wilson 1798 (Dec. 25th)

Mary B Wilson 1803 (Dec. 27th)

Samuel Wilson 1811 (Oct. 2nd)

William Durrell 1828 (Dec. 20th)

Jacob Wilson 1835 (Nov. 9th)

Elizabeth Ann Wilson 1837 (Feb. 11th)

Marry Elizabeth 1854 (June 10th)

Grietta Phillips 1858 (Aug. 9th)

Arista Wilson 1865 (Nov. 24th)

Blanche Wilson 1868 (May 1st)

Fay Elizabeth Seibern 1886 (May 13th)

William Durrell 1894 (Nov. 24th)

Elizabeth Wilson Miller 1895 (May 13th)

Blanche Durrell Connor 1895 (Sept 29th)

Margaret Connor 1898 (June 30th)

Alexander Carson Connor 1900 (Sept 22nd)

John Campbell 1916 (June 14th)

John Ledyard Campbell 1948

Natalie Campbell 1951

Carolyn Craig Campbell 1954

Cynthia Campbell 1954


Jacob Wilson 1837 (Oct. 26th)

Samuel Wilson 1849 (June 24th)

John Wilson 1854 (Jan. 11th)

Mary B Wilson 1865 (Oct. 30th)

Annie B Durrell 1876 (Dec. 7th)

William Durrell 1886 (Sept. 20th)

Blanche Connor 1906 (Oct. 26th)

Margaret Connor Jones 1920 (Feb. 16th)

Elizabeth Durrell 1921 (Feb. 16th)

Grietta Durrell Siebern 1948 (Jan. 21st)