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Saturday, August 30, 2008

Hobbs Family Bible

1829 Holy Bible. It belonged to a Micah Hobbs, born in 1804. There is alot of family tree information in the family history section. Would be great to go to the Hobbs family with a Micah Hobbs in their ancestry.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Crosby Family Bible

This Crosby family bible is up for sale on Ebay.Item number: 280257152030.

Some of the family history written in the front cover of volume 1 is:

Lucinda Crofsby died Sept. 30, 1820, Wm. Crossby died Sept. 7, 1832, William Horner Crossby, born March 18, 1815, Henry Crosby born Jan 2, 1818, Richard Crosby Born March 15, 1819, died June 24, 1892

Thomas Crofsby found drowned in the river within the city of Lincoln on thursday morning feb. 1st, 1866, after an absence of several days.

There is a lot more.

You can follow one of the links to Ebay on this blog if you want to take a closer look.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Xander, Baker and Myers, Clarke County Ohio

I found this old family Bible on Ebay. The Family History Includes Marriages, Births and Deaths going back to 1828. The Last Names listed in the Family History are Xander, Baker and Myers and it appears that this Bible and its Original Owners lived in Clarke County Ohio.