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Monday, March 17, 2008

Chenoweth Family Bible

Chenoweth Family Bible for sale on Ebay Item number: 330219712993. Family Information: Three page of Family register were nicely filled covering births, marriages, and deaths of Chenoweth Family from 1844 to 1955. A few details are selected below [there might be some variations on the name spellings]:


A.M. Chenoweth and Nancy J Chenoweth was married on March 9th, 1865


A.M Chenoweth 1844 (Nov. 10th)

Nancy J Chenoweth 1841 (Dec. 20th)

Mary E[llen] Chenoweth 1866 (Aug. 16th)

Rebecca A Chenoweth 1869 (Jun. 29th)


Nancy J Chenoweth 1896 (Nov. 2nd)

Rebecca A Chenoweth 1899 (Mar. 29th)

A.M. Chenoweth 1915 (Oct. 15th)

Mary Ellen Thomas 1955 (Nov. 3rd)

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hall Family Bible

The Hall Family Bible is up for sale on Ebay. If you are a hall you might want to take a look. Item number: 280206472263.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

William F. Fells and Magdaline Gellshall Bible

This auction is for an Antique German Bible. The Bible is written in German, and the back of the Bible has a small Photo Album of a Nineteenth Century Family from Reading Pennsylvania (where the old photographs were taken). There are many illustrations in the bible,and a few items hidden between the pages: there was a lock of hair in a piece of folded-up newspaper, a page with embossed writing, that appears to be boston line type, which was used in this country for the blind before braille became the standard, and a map of Washington D.C. from 1897. There is also a Marriage Certificate that is part of the Bible, declaring William F. Fells and Magdaline Gellshall were married on Christmas day, 1847 by R. J. Miller. There is also a page of Births and Deaths, with names written on the pages. There are many, many, pages with pictures, illustrations, teaching and educational pictorials.

This bible is for sale on Ebay Item number: 360029275479. If you want to have a closer look just follow one of the links on this Blog.