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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Charley D Hobbs Bible

Old family bible reads bought from Charley D Hobbs mother March 31 l904 Marriage page read Charley Hobbs & Ida Anderson 12-7-1898 on the back of the Temperance Pledge it list Thomas Anderson & Helen Converse 10-20-1876 plus additional Anderson's Marriages it reads Hobbs Folsom Ward Dawson Peterson Kibble Drum 1898-1942 Births show Hobbs Stanley Dawson Peterson 1880-1949 there is also deaths listed.

This old Family Bible is for sale on Ebay. If you would like to see it or place a bid just follow one of the links to Ebay on this blog.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

Scott Family Bible

This Bible belonged to the Scott Family. Signed Catherine Scott in the front. There are family records in the middle which read Josiah Scott and Mary Lloyd Aug 2 1830. Then Josiah Scott and Catherine A Forbes Nov 23, 1855. Josiah Scott was born Sept 14, 1805. Catherine A Forbes was born Dec 3 1818. They has Idaletta Scott May 8 1858, William Forbes Scott June 21 1860. This appears to be missing a small section from the middle of the bible. There are other names also mentioned with this book, mostly Forbes family.

This Scott Family Bible is for sale on Ebay Item number: 260209943086. If you want to place a bid just follow on of the links to Ebay on this Blog.

Monday, February 04, 2008

Family Bible Of George Duncan

Antique family bible of George Duncan. FAMILY RECORD sections written & read as follows:

Marriages: George Duncan Jr. & Mary Smith Was Married on April 26 " 1839

Births: George Duncan Born September 25 " 1816

His Wife, Mary Smith Born April 15 1820

" Brother Robert Duncan September 15 1824

George S Duncan Born July 11 " 1840

John A Duncan " " January 24 " 1842

Robert Duncan " " August 30 1844

Mary E, Duncan " " December 26 " 1846

Elizabeth E Duncan " " March 19 " 1849

Robert P Duncan " " September 7 " 1851

Margret E Duncan " October 13 " 1854

Corneilous O. Duncan " September 13 " 1854

Deaths: George Duncan Sr Departed this life December 9 " 1843

His Wife Elizabeth Perret Departed this life December 4 " 1843

Robert Duncan Son of George Duncan Jr Departed this life December 14 " 1846

George Duncan Jr died December 17th,, 1888. Aged 72.

Mary Smith his wife, died. Sept 9th,, 1890. Aged 70.

Elizabeth E. Duncan Hunt daughter of George Duncan Jr. died. June 26th,, 1889. Aged 40

Margaret E. Hudeon daughter of G. Duncan Jr. died Feb 22nd,, 1901 Aged 46

Geo S. Duncan Son of Geo Duncan Jr died Aug 21et,, 1901. Aged 61.

Mary E Duncan daughter of Geo Duncan Sr Died March 1926 age 80 yrs

Robert P. Duncan died June 18, 1923 age 72

Miscellaneous: Robert L. Hudson Sr (age 50) "Died 1904"

Margret E. Duncan-his wife (age 46) "Died 1901"

Alexander Duncan Hudson

Joseph Hunt Hudson (age 46) Died Dec 1926

Robert L. Hudson Jr.

Ethel Margret Hudson

Wm McKinley Hudson (age 14) Died 1908

Frank Roosevet Hudson Born Sept 21 1898 at Jersey City N.J.

All hand written - Marriages: A.D. Hudson & Irene Woods Daughter Evelyn.

Joseph Hunt Hudson - ? Son. Harold

Robert L. Hudson & Jane Mazone Son. Harry Grant

Ethel Margret & Herbert Wathe Best

Frank R. Hudson & Elsie May Tooker at N.Y.CITY

Mon 9 P.M. Geraldine Duncan Nov 20, 1922 NY City

Thurs 11 AM Barbara Katherene Jan 24, 1924

Barbara Katherene Jan 24, 1924 Port Washington L.I.

Joan Bessant Nov 14 1926 Flushing L.I.

Elise May Tooker Born Sept 4, 1898 Corona Demerest L.I.

Parents were Alfred James Tooker & Emeline Franks Brother George & Sister Frances.

This great old family bible of George Duncan is for sale on Ebay. If you are interested in this Bible just follow one of the links on this page to Ebay.