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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Whittier Bible

Whittier Bible Item number: 300162497357

Charles Sumner Whittier married Gertrude Amanda Bridgman on 6-27-1888, in Boston. Russell W. Bridgman of Lawrence Mass. married Hattie L. Huse from Manchester, N.H. on 5-19-1860. Russell W. Bridgman married Lydia A. Brock of Hammondsville, Ohio on 7-11-1877. The Births and the Deaths have the same last names.

This Bible is on Ebay. If you want to take a look you can follow one of the links on this blog,

Friday, October 12, 2007

Galpin Family Bible

Magificent Family Bible, 1877 Item number: 130161043762

The names of the owners of this Bible are engraved in gilt on the front cover: Mr. & Mrs. F. M. Galpin. The Bible belonged to the Galpin family, but other families are chronicled here, including the family names of, Ford, Willis, and Barnes with entries referring to the earliest year of 1798. Loosely inserted is a beautifully embossed Easter Greeting from the First Congregational Sunday School, Washington, Connecticut and also a 1901 Sunbeam (Children Sunday School Paper) with short stories, poems, etc.

This Bible is for sale on Ebay. If you are interested just follow one of the links on this page.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Van Vorst Family Bible

1736 Keur Bible Title Van Vorst Family Line Jersey City Item number: 220157889987

1736 Dutch KeurTitle Bible Leaf with a Richard Paulus Eelbo Signature accompanied by handwritten Van Vorst Family Line pages which have been translated. It starts with Cornelius Van Vorst ano 1702 on the single older leaf and is in Dutch with 4 newer additions starting with Anna Eliza Van Vorst born June 2nd 1817....Cornelia b. Nov 15th 1818...Sarah b. Sept. 12th 1820 and John b. Sept 25, 1822. On the same paper under the heading of translation ..." On April 22nd 1684 I, John Arianse Saph by God's grace was joined in matrimony to Johanna Van Vorst. I was born in this world the 24th May in the year 1662. My sponsors were Herman Smeeman and Dirkle Meyers. In the year of our Lord 1666 on April 16th was born Johanna VanVorst. Her parents were Ide van Vorst and Hillitie Ianse. The spouses were Nicholas Verlet and Cornelius Clopper and Jannetje Steynmets. " The other rwo pages are likewise the same.

This is the Van Vorst family of Jersey City, New of the listings mentions the nickname 'Faddy'. This was purchased in a lot of paper items at auction and on the backing of protector there is a label that states..." found in 1736 bible".

This Bible is for sale on Ebay. If you are interested you can follow one of the links on this page.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Beach Family Bible, Staten Island New York

The Pictorial Bible 1873 Beach Family Pictures & Identified Item number: 160164357641

One of the names in this Bible is Vroom and the other is Beach from Castle Corners, Staten Island New York. The first marriage recorded concerning this Bible was J.F. Beach marrying Nettie A. Lichenor May 15, 1878.

I found this bible for sale on Ebay. If you want to bid on it just follow one of the Ebay links on this page.

Monday, October 01, 2007

1896 Phelps Family Bible

1896 Antique Victorian Illustrated Phelps Family Bible Item number: 230177381042

Family Register
Pages from Matrimony and Births were filled as detailed below:

Matrimony:Edward G Phelps [of Columbus Ohio] & Etta M Davis [of Laurite, Ohio] were married on Aug 4th, 1896

Births:Laurabell Phelps 1898 (Jan. 30th)

Mildred May Phelps 1899 (June 25tth)

Edward Phelps 1875 (Feb. 25th)

Etta Davis Phelps 1877 (Jan. 15th)