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Friday, October 28, 2005

Family Bible: HARRIS & BUSH, Kentucky

This bible is copyrighted in 1890. The front cover reads,"Holy Bible". The binding says,"Pronouncing Parallel Bible", and "Bible Dictionary and Cities of The Bible 2000 Illustrations".

One of the front pages says

This book is the property of Elizabeth Bush Harris and George Tillman Harris married in the in the year 1889 A.D. July 3rd

Another of the front pages says

Presented to Lizzie Harris by Her Husband, Geo.T. Harris A.D. 1897

It says later in the book that they were married in Smithland, Kentucky

no picture available

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Family Bible: Stewart, Blodgett, McNutt in New York

New York: American Bible Society, 1854 Full-Leather. A nice bible that was a "FAMILY BIBLE". Marriages start at 1839 and go to 1915. Births recorded starting at 1814. Looks like Lewis County new york?. Also 1815 birth at Busto Chautauqua County New York? More births in Farmersville, New York and Belmont N.Y. 1840. 2 of them come from Salt Lake City, Utah


Elihu S. Stewart and Mary A. Bladgett/Blodgett were married at Buste? New York July 30, 1839

Mary Agnes Stewart and George Clarke McNutt?, M.D. were married at Ellicottville, [Cattaraugus] New York, June 1, 1882

Celia Agnes McNutt? and Henry Prosper Stewart were married at Grace Charity New York City Jan. 20, 1915


Left page:

Elihu Solomon Stewart born at Denmark, Lewis County New York Feb. 11, 1814

Mary Angeline Blodget born at Busti, Cattaraugus County New York, Sept 6, 1817

Right page:

James Hadley Stewart born at Clintonville New York June 16, 1840

Celia Blodgett Stewart born at Farmersville, New York June 25, 1845

Ada B. Stewart born at Farmersville, New York July 25, 1854

Mary Agnes Stewart born at Farmersville, New York Aug. 17, 1858

Ida Stewart McNutt? born at Belmont New York July 23, 1884

Celia Agnes Mcnutt? born at Belmont New York June 1, 1887

Henry Prosper Stewart Jr born at Salt Lake City [utah] Dec. 18, 1915

George McNutt Stewart born at Salt Lake City [Utah] Aug. 25, 1917


James Hadley Stewart died at Forty of Monroe Virginia April 7, 1862

Celia Blodget Stewart died at Elicottville New York April 23, 1866

Ada Stewart McNutt died at Belmont New York March 25, 1885

Elihu S. Stewart, M.D. died at Elicottville New York Feb. 12, 1898

Mary Agnes Stewart McNutt died at Busti, New York Oct. 10, 1899

Mary Angeline Blodgett Stewart died at Busti, New York April 16, 1900

George Clarke McNutt, M.D. died at Bath New York Oct. 12, 1909

Celia Agnes McNutt Stewart died at Kansas City Missouri ......


I found this family in the 1880 online census for Ellicottville, Cattaraugus, New York. Here's the family group:

Elihu S. STEWART Self M Male W 66 NY Physician MA MA
Mary A. STEWART Wife M Female W 62 NY Keeping House NY NY
M. Agnes STEWART Dau S Female W 21 NY At Home NY NY

Search for more census records for this family.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Family Bible: Dorn, Barrows New York 1846

This old bible is in poor condition but the family genealogy is exceptional. Dates run from 1814 through the 1970's. Surnames included are Dorn, Barrows, Daman, Walpole, Van Buren, Little, Bradshaw, Dela Mater, Farrell, Holton Chauder Winifred,, and Waddell

There are over 60 entries in the bible and many more facts on another 4 handwritten sheets of paper. There are also other artifacts in the bible including three New York State pass grade certificates from 1906 and 1908 - these are for Eleanor De La Mater from the town of Florida New York.

All this information springs from the marriage of William B Dorn of the town of Duanesburgh ( Duanesburg ) NY and Martha J Barrows of Dunnsville NY (Dunnsville Ny is very near Princetown, NY in Schenectady County) who were married in 1846. There is a marriage cert in the bible for these two.

Willam B. Dorn of Duanesburgh
Martha J. Barrows of Dunnesville
married 25 November 1846 at Dunnesville

Descendants of William B Dorn

Generation No. 1
1. WILLIAM B1 DORN was born October 10, 1814, and died November 13, 1892. He married MARTHA J BARROWS November 25, 1846 in Dunnsville, New York. She was born December 18, 1828 in Dunnsville, New York, and died October 18, 1887.


i. CHARLES ALENANDER2 DORN, b. April 19, 1849; d. October 15, 1861.
2. ii. JULIA LOUISA DORN, b. April 14, 1852; d. June 29, 1896.
iii. MALE INFINT DORN, b. July 14, 1855; d. July 21, 1855.
3. iv. MARY BELL DORN, b. August 13, 1860; d. November 15, 1887.
4. v. WILLIAM BARROWS DORN, b. October 15, 1862; d. April 26, 1931.
vi. GURDON LORENES DORN, b. January 10, 1867; d. November 28, 1887.
5. vii. MARTHA SELINA DORN, b. October 10, 1868; d. February 06, 1917.

Generation No. 2

2. JULIA LOUISA2 DORN (WILLIAM B1) was born April 14, 1852, and died June 29, 1896. She married DAVID W WALPOLE February 23, 1876. He died February 15, 1909.

Children of JULIA DORN and DAVID WALPOLE are:
i. MARY BELLE3 WALPOLE, b. November 13, 1877.
6. ii. MARTHA JANE WALPOLE, b. October 03, 1879; d. November 23, 1967.
iii. JAMES MANSFIELD BELDING WALPOLE, b. August 16, 1881; d. August 11, 1892.
iv. GRACE MARGAUERITE WALPOLE, b. May 22, 1885; m. WILLIAM D WADDELL, January 25, 1919.
v. HELEN ELECTA WALPOLE, b. June 16, 1894; d. October 24, 1916.

3. MARY BELL2 DORN (WILLIAM B1) was born August 13, 1860, and died November 15, 1887. She married EDWIN C DORMAN October 15, 1879.
Children of MARY DORN and EDWIN DORMAN are:
i. SAMUEL GURDON3 DORMAN, b. November 04, 1880; m. EDNA.
ii. MABEL BARROWS DORMAN, b. September 06, 1882; m. JOHN FARRELL, April 28, 1904.

4. WILLIAM BARROWS2 DORN (WILLIAM B1) was born October 15, 1862, and died April 26, 1931. He married LORENA BRADSHAW October 10, 1888.
i. LULA B3 DORN, b. December 17, 1889.

5. MARTHA SELINA2 DORN (WILLIAM B1) was born October 10, 1868, and died February 06, 1917. She married WILLIAM HENRY DELA MATER December 06, 1888.
i. ELEANOR3 DELA MATER, b. January 09, 1895; d. February 26, 1919.

Generation No. 3

6. MARTHA JANE3 WALPOLE (JULIA LOUISA2 DORN, WILLIAM B1) was born October 03, 1879, and died November 23, 1967. She married LESTER D VANBUREN June 11, 1910. He died April 13, 1971.


i. LEONARD WALPOLE4 VANBUREN, b. June 03, 1911.

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