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Sunday, September 19, 2004

VANDERMARK & KIVLER Family Bible, Indiana

Samuel S. Vandermark married Sarah A. Kivler, January 23, 1876, Palestine, Kosciusko County, Indiana. Witnesses: Mr. & Mrs. Horn and Mr. & Mrs. Kivler.


Sarah A. Kivler, March 1, 1858;
Harry Leroy Vandermark, November 13, 1877.

Samuel S. Vandermark was born in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, October 25, 1853, and died March 18, 1892.

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TALLMAN & MARSH Family Bible, Massachusetts & New York

Brittain B. Tallman born Sept. 2, 1794, married 11 March 1813 Lucy Marsh born 11 May 1797


Sarah 3 Nov. 1819
Darius 19 Feb. 1822
Elizabeth 21 Jan. 1824
Charles 1 Apr. 1826

1850 census Swansea, Bristol, Massachusetts, b RI Marcius 10 Apr. 1828
Caroline F. 14 July 1830
Lucy Jane 29 Sept. 1832

From Watson Cary's house, Staten Island NY

Brian's Research found in the 1820 census Britton B. Tallman, Duanesburg, Schenectady, New York

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records

SMITH & BASSETT Family Bible, Indiana

This bible was made by the Jesper Harding Co. in 1851. Prominent names written in the Family records are Stout, Smith,Pierce. Includes a paper from the Masonic Mutual Benefit Society of Indiana 1892


Thomas T. Smith born 18 Sept. 1831
Caroline S. (Bassett) Smith born Feb. 4, 1835
William A. Smith born Feb. 12, 1856

Elias Smith died May 18, 1857, 1 year, 5 months, 14 days
Charley Smith died 2 June 1851, 9 mos 11 days
John T. Smith died April 21, 1866, 1 year, 3 mos, 9 days
William M. Smith died Sept. xx 1899, aged 43 years, 6 mos, 28 days
Thomas T. Smith died Oct. 2, 1897, 66 years, 15 days
Caroline S. Smith died March 27, 1887, 52 years, 1 month, 24 days
Marion D. Smith died Jan. 22, 1886, age 23 years, 7 mos, 12 days

Brian's Research: Found in 1880 census Harmony, Union, Indiana

Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace

Thomas SMITH Self M Male W 48 IN Farmer NJ DE
Caroline SMITH Wife M Female W 45 IN Keeping House MA NJ
Marion SMITH Son S Male W 18 IN Farm Laborer IN IN
Zelma SMITH Dau S Female W 12 IN At Home IN IN
John HERMAN Other S Male W 23 IN Farm Laborer GER GER

Source Information: Family History Library Film 1254316 NA Film Number T9-0316
Page Number 64A

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records

Engelbrecht & Ramsburg Family Bible, Maryland

LARGE HOLY BIBLE, Published 1816 in Philadelphia by M. Carey, No. 121 Chestnut Street 1816.


*Inside of front cover is inscribed John Ramsburg, Near Frederick Town Maryland 1816
*Pressed Flowers in Bible
*Paper Snowflake dated February 14th 1845 and signature of family member
*Family History from Frederick Maryland area.
*Contains family history data of Engelbrecht and Ramsburg families

Family Records

Jacob Engelbrecht, son of Conrad & Margaret, was born in Frederick-town [sic] Maryland on Dec. 11, 1797

Elizabeth Ramsburgh, daughter of John & Rebecca, was born near Frederick-town [sic] Maryland June 4, 1803

Ann Rebecca Engelbrecht, daughter of Jacob & Elizabeth born near Frederick-town [sic] Maryland 27 Feb. 1826, christened 4th June following by Rev. D. F. Shaeffer. June 7, 1826

Phillipp Melancthon Engelbrecht son of Jacob & Elizabeth born 1834

Mary Virginia, daughter of P. M. Engelbrecht & Selina V. was born July 13th, 1856

Charles Ernest, son of P. M. Engelbrecht & Selina V. was born Sept. 7, 1857

Lewis William, son of P. M. Engelbrecht & Selina V. was born Friday at noon, [--] 21st, 1859. Baptised by Rev. George Diehl Wed. evening Oct. 24, 1860

Benjamin Kuntz?, son of P. M. Engelbrecht & Selina V. was born July 11, 1862 and was baptised by Rev. George Diehl July 21, 1863

Ernest Eugene, son of P. M. Engelbrecht & Selina V. was born March 16, 1865 and was baptised May 2, 1865 by Rev. B. H. C--, Chaplain of U.S.A. General Hospital

Abraham? -- Engelbrecht, born Feb. 17, 1867

Harriet Eliza Engelbrecht, born Friday -- 11th, 1869

Ella Estelle Engelbrecht, born Sept. 5, 1871 died Sept. 3, 1875, age 3 years, 11 months, 29 days

Jacob Leonard son of P. M. Engelbrecht & Selina V. was born Sat. May 10, 1873 bpt by Rev. George Diehl Aug. 4, 1874

Selena Virginia Storm daughter of Peter & Harriet Storm was born Sept. 19, 1843

Daniel Steiner Engelbrecht born Sun. Aug. 19, 1890

Ann Rebecca Engelbrecht died Sept. 14, 1832 age 6 years, 6 months, 16 days

Mary Virginia Engelbrecht died Aug. 6, 1856 age 3 weeks, 3 days

Charles Ernest Engelbrecht died April 14, 1861 age 3 years, 7 months, 7 days

Ernest Eugene Engelbrecht died Sunday morning, August 1865, age 11 months, 21 days

Eliza. Engelbrecht wife of Jacob Engelbrecht died Dec. 30, 1872, 69 years, 6 months and -- days. Buried on Mt. Olive, -- , Jan. 1, 1873


Writen by J. Engelbrecht, Frederick Maryland, Saturday, July 9 1864 at 5 ½ oclock pm.
The Rebel army or rather the wagon train and its Cavalry and Infantry Guards passed through Frederick this day – the wagons numbered 300 or 400 – they came first about 6 Ock am. From the west (from Hagerstown) and got through about one O’clock pm. – but still Squads of horsemen of 10.p of 20.b have been passing all the time – Where the main army is at this time, we cannot say – as we are completely isolated and can hear nothing from either point of the compass. Except what the Rebs tell us but on that we cannot depend – we had a small engagement at the west end of the town two days ago (July 7, 1864) – but the Union troops all left here last night. – a few days will let us breathe a little freer – at the same time, I would remark the union people of our own do not appear to be very much alarmed – as we had the whole Rebel Army in our town once before (Sept 6, 1862) - the present Army is Commanded they say by genl, Jubal Early.

The Jacob Engelbrecht death ledger of Frederick County, Maryland, 1820-1890 Jacob Engelbrecht

The Jacob Engelbrecht marriage ledger of Frederick County, Maryland, 1820-1890 Jacob Engelbrecht

The Jacob Engelbrecht property and almshouse ledgers of Frederick County, Maryland Jacob Engelbrecht

The Diary of Jacob Engelbrecht--From 1819 to 1878, Jacob Engelbrecht recorded Frederick County history in the pages of his hand-bound diary. He included topics ranging from national events, such as the Civil War, to those of local importance. He included the activities of his daily life as well as his thoughts about the issues of the day. The diarist also recorded marriages, births, deaths and other milestones of the community. Engelbrecht’s diary provides historians and genealogists a unique opportunity to discover Frederick County’s rich heritage. The hardcover, two-volume version is printed on acid free paper and features an improved presentational format. It also includes a comprehensive index, passages not available in previous publications and translations of German passages.

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records