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Thursday, August 19, 2004

MORSE Family Bible, Massachusetts

These bibles are from the North Shore of Massachuestts, most likely Salem to Boston. The town of Beverly is mentioned. Earliest recorded date is 1816. Includes the Morse, Goodhue, Foster, Parker and Stanley names.


Jeremiah Morse - Abigail Parker May 9, 1816
Addison Goodhue - Harriet Morse Jan 30, 1838
Albert Foster - Abigail B. Morse March 30, 1842
Charles Kent - xx Foster, xx 1869
plus more


Harriet Morse, born Nov. 29, 1818
Abigail Morse, born Sept 17, 1817
Corning Morse, born Aug. 17, 1822
Abigail Morse, born Oct. 17, 1823
John C. Morse, born Sept. 6, 1826
Addison Goodhue, born Dec. 15, 1838
plus more


Corning, s/o Jeremiah & Abigail Morse, died Feb. 21, 1825 age 3 years, 6 mos, 4 days
Eben, s/o Harriet & Addison Goodhue, died July 30, 1844
Abigail, d/o Jeremiah & Abigail Morse, died Feb. 3, 1818 age 4 mos, 17 days
Abigail, wife of Jeremiah Morse, died Arpil 7, 185[8?], age 72 years 4 mos
Jeremiah Morse died May 25, 1864 age 72 years

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records

LEDDEN & TURNER Family Bible, New Jersey

This bible was published in 1866 by "JOHN EDWIN POTTER, NO.617 SANSOM STREET, PHILADELPHIA, PA.

There is a section for entering the owner's family history. In this section is listed "James R. Ledden and Jane Turner, Glassboro, N.J. March 1809 with "children" written beneath this, followed by the names of their children and birth dates:

Henry P. Ledden, Glassboro, N.J., Oct. 1833,
Sarah J. Ledden, Clayton, N.J., July 27, 1836,
Louisa A. Ledden, Glassboro, January, 1841,
Abigail S. Ledden, "", February 16, 1848,
Benjamin J. Ledden, "",July 1851.

There is also a section with photos that are older than the bible. There are approximately 25 to 30 antique photos and some are very early because the material that they are on feels like some kind of metal and I have never seen this in modern photos.. The inscription "photographed by Chas. Jameson, Harrisburg, Pa." appears in the back of the lady's photograph.

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records