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Monday, July 19, 2004

KIMBALL & HAZEN Family Bible

Philadelphia: Printed and Published By Mathew Carey 1811

Israel Kimball - Phoebe Hazen Feb 25, 1794
Israel Kimball b 1769
Phoebe Kimball [Hazen] b 1772
Israel 1795
Jacob H. 1800
Richard 1806
Tapley 1809
Ira 1816
Hannah 1796
Nepazbiah 1798
Phebe 1814

NOTE: I found this family on Ancestry One World Tree.

Israel Kimball Born: 2 Dec 1769 Andover, Essex, Massachusetts Died: 20 Nov 1830 Bethel, Maine married 25 Feb 1794 in Ipswich, Essex, Massachusetts Phebe Hazen Born: 3 Dec 1772 in Boxford, Essex, Massachusetts Died: 26 Nov 1854

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records

CONKLIN Family Bible, Ohio

Ppublished in 1839, leather bound Bible contains several listings for the Conklin family, from the Morrow County Ohio area, at least in later years. There are also some listings for Iles, and an envelope with separate papers in the back with several more listings for Iles

Front inside cover: Hannah Conklin, her book 1839


Hannah Conklin wife of George W. Conklin died Oct. 26th, 1865 age 47 years 3 months 2 6 days.


George Conklin was married to Hannah Conklin Dec. 31st 1839
Susan Ann Conklin to Origon Miner Iles Oct 8th 1864
Sarah Elnor [sic] Conklin to Jeremiah Stephen Iles June 16, 1861

Family Record - Births

George Conklin born Jan. 4 1818
Hannah Conklin his wife is born Jan 1 1818

  • Sarah Eleanor Conklin born Jan. 28, 1841
  • Susan Ann Conklin born July 5, 1842
  • Gilbert Judson Conklin born Sept. 24, 1843
  • Abram ? Conklin born April 13, 1853

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records

COLE Family Bible, Ohio & New York

Large Holy Bible published by J.B. Lippincott & Co., Philadelphia; 1866 with family geneology from the original owners of this Bible, The Cole family of Norwalk OH and Little Falls, NY area from 1783-1980

John Cole married Eunice on 19 June 1793 at Sterling Connecticut by Rev. Mr. Porter. See John's will, 8 Nov. 1833, filed in Fairfield, Herkimer County New York. Names Justus Allen Cole, Eunice Ann Cole, Asa Cole, all under 21 years of age, and appoints Linus Everts as their guardian. [Brian's Note: I believe these 3 are his grandchildren, children of his deceased son Asa] Also names his wife Eunice and his older children (3 sons and 2 daughters) Lucy, John, Hannah, Almira, Thomas, Truman. Also names his son Asa Cole, deceased, and leaves a bequest to his 3 grandchildren, the children of Asa.

1880 Census Place Fairfield, Herkimer, New York

Name Relation Marital Status Gender Race Age Birthplace Occupation Father's Birthplace Mother's Birthplace

Justus COLE Self M Male W 55 OH Retired Farmer NY OH

Martha COLE Wife M Female W 47 NY Keeping House NY NY

Anna COLE Dau S Female W 19 NY At Home OH NY

Truman COLE Son S Male W 17 NY At Home OH NY

Elmira COLE Dau S Female W 15 NY At Home OH NY

Libbie PORTER Other S Female W 10 NY Attends School NY NY

Source Information: Family History Library Film 1254837

NA Film Number T9-0837
Page Number 38B

Cole, Asa C. (Little Falls) dairyman, farmer 265 and leases of Truman cole, 238

Justus A. Cole and Ezra B. Helligas (Little Falls) props. of C.B. Gill's non-freezing pump,for Herkimer Co.
Cole, Justus A. (Little Falls) Cole & Helligas; dairyman, dealer in patent farm gates and farmer 248

Gazetteer and Business Directory of Herkimer County, N.Y. 1869-70

A family named Cole from Connecticut settled in the Alexander district. They were Mr. and Mrs. Cole, three sons and three daughters. The sons were John Jr., Justin and Asa. The daughters were Hannah, Almira and another one who married Mr. Pearl and lived in Eaton's Bush. Mr. and Mrs. Pearl had two sons and one daughter Lovina. The sons were: Ebenezer and Isaac. Hannah, Almira and John died unmarried. Source: Historical Events of The Early Settlers of Fairfield, White Creek and Vicinity

October 30, 1873:
Asa C. Cole of Fairfield met a sad death at Shingle Hollow in the town of Hoosick on Wednesday afternoon by a horse running away and stampeding a herd of cattle belonging to himself and brother who were engaged driving them to market when Cole was trampled to death. [Source: The Camden Advance Journal]

COLE, John, D. 5-6-1827, 54yr., Wf. Lydia COLE, Lydia, D. 1-2-1852, 76 yrs., Hus. John

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records

BURCH-HUESTED Family Bible, New York

This is an Old Bible printed in 1846 in Troy, NY--it is called a Troy Edition. This is the family Bible of the Burch family.

There are four pages of hand-written genealogy. The first entry reads:

Richard Burch and Elisa Ann Huested were Married November 10th 1827

Other names mentioned include: Rachel Gray, Benjamin Craig, Eliza Burch, John H. Burch, Harry Johnson, Rebecca Burch, William Burch, Rosanna Burch, Mabelle Gager, Charles Gager, Henry Burch, Richard Burch

See Ancestors At Rest website for more free Death Records